Two New Iconic Locations Join the Map!
Today is a good day, because we have two new Iconic Location Munzees to add to the map! Like our Australia Iconic Locations, these new munzees will join the ranks of our Tourism Munzees! You can now locate the New Hampshire and New Mexico Iconic Location Munzees by turning on your Tourism filter!
These two new Iconic Locations will join the map today at 10:00 MHQ time to offer more opportunity for exploration! All Iconic Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account based on a database of historical markers in order to encourage players to get out and about and navigate new terrains. The points for each of these virtual munzees will be as follows:
New Hampshire Iconic Location
- Capture Points: 17-76
- Deploy Points: 0
- CapOn Points: 0 (Because it’s an MHQ account)
New Mexico Iconic Location
- Capture Points: 18-50
- Deploy Points: 0
- CapOn Points: 0
Like the other Iconic and Historical Location Munzees, these latest additions will not be blastable. Additionally, captures will count towards the overall Tourism line of badges. Tourism badges are linked primarily to the Historic and Iconic Munzees from different countries around the world, as well as states in the U.S.
These latest Iconic Locations couldn’t have been made possible without the help of players! Thanks to the players Th8re (New Hampshire) and Vadotech (New Mexico) for helping us gather a database of historical markers in order to make this launch possible!
If you notice any Iconic Location or Historic Munzees deployed in the wrong place, please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for all the lates news!
Enjoy your exploration, and Munzee on!