Player of the Week: Rob Collins (coastingcollins)

As Munzee has grown over the years, the game has evolved in so many more ways than any of the co-founders could have imagined. Weโ€™ve certainly had our fair share of growing pains, but in its essence Munzee has tried to stick to its core goal of getting people out into the world. No one knows this better than those players who have been with us since the beginning. This weekโ€™s Player of the Weekย is Rob Collins (coastingcollins).

Who are you?
My name is Rob, Munzee username “coastingcollins”. Some of my friends call me “RoBbY bObBy”.

Where in the world do you live?
I live in the Beautiful Heart of the Ozarks in Springfield, Missouri, USA.

How long have you played Munzee?
I have been playing Munzee for 520 days, with a streak to match. My first capture was on May 1st, 2016, and my first deploy was on May 4th, 2016. (I didn’t have any munzees to deploy until a fellow player offered to help me out — Thanks, Semipaw!!!)

How did you find Munzee?
After a long previous day of playing another geo-location based game, I was scrolling through Facebook right before church, and I saw a one-minute video. I told my wife. “rollermama”, that the game looked pretty fun and interesting. Little did I know, I was hooked.

What do you most enjoy about Munzee?
Well, this is a tough question, so I have to go with 2 answers…

First, I would have to say FAMILY TIME. I’m a proud dad of 5 amazing kids and the husband to my amazing, beautiful wife, Cindy aka “rollermama”. The time we go out and play Munzee is priceless. Just sitting back and reflecting on all of the memories the game has brought my family kinda makes me teary eyed.

Secondly, I would have to say events. I really enjoy seeing the community of players get together and enjoy everyone’s company. From the smiles I see from all ages at the events to the stories of other players about their munzing days, they are friends I would be proud to call family. It’s all very special to me.

What is on your wish list?
Traveling the ole roads of the United States and capping and deploying munzees at every amusement park. Oh, and the infamous Glitch Badge.

Tell us about yourself!
Well, like I stated before, I’m a proud dad of 5 amazing kids and the husband to my amazing, beautiful wife, Cindy. We also have three dogs (Jet, Chloe, and Charleigh), two cats (Gadget and KitKat), and tons of fish. I’m a family man and love spending time outdoors with my family.

Other hobbies include:
I’m a big roller coaster geek (hence my name “coastingcollins”). I love riding coasters with friends and family. Again, the smiles you see on people’s faces while they enjoy good times are very rewarding

Any last words?
I would like to thank the local Munzee community, GAD64 and Semipaw. Without them, we couldn’t have grown the map and make Springfield, MO a Munzee stop. I would also like to thank the online Munzee community for helping me fill my local gardens (4 of them so far with 2 more already planned). Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow Munzee players and friends who nominated me for POTW. This is an HONOR, and I’m very thankful. So, until next time, my friends… Munzee on!

coastingcollins has also included a social, so cap away!