Take A Break With The NEW Pit Stop Places Munzee!
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of playing Munzee and needing a quick pit stop but unsure where the nearest restroom is? Well, we want our players to help point the way when nature calls, so the ALL NEW Pit Stop Places Munzee is designed to help pinpoint quality bathroom breaks worldwide (available to the public)!
We know this may seem like a late April Fool’s joke, and far be it from us to shy away from potty humor, but this really has been a long requested addition to our growing list of Places Of Interest so we’re here to help. Shop the Pit Stop Places Munzee HERE!
With this release we’re also making a couple changes to ALL Places Munzees as well, so read on to learn more!
PERMANENT Double Points for Places!
Double Points Weekend has started 12 hours early only for Places Munzees* so you’ll earn 2x points for capturing and deploying POIs starting NOW. We’re also excited to announce that as DPW wraps up the fun will continue! Starting Monday, April 29th, at 00:01 MHQ each Places Munzee points will permanently be doubled! With the inclusion of daily greenie captures, we want to ensure Places retain their value and this change is in appreciation of your ongoing support and dedication to growing the game!
Places Munzee** points will be:
- Deploy: 80
- Capture: 40
- Cap-On: 20
Explore and capture more Places Munzees, and with the Pit Stop on the map, quick bathroom breaks won’t interrupt your Munzee adventures!
*The other DPW types will activate at the originally specified time of 00:01 MHQ on Friday April 26.
** Virtual Gardens have a different point structure. Those updated points will be 80, 20, and 10.
NEW Pit Stop Places Details
The Pit Stop is the latest addition in our lineup of Places Munzees and is now available in the Freeze Tag store as of 12:00 MHQ today.
Shop the Pit Stop Place HERE!
Pit Stop Place |
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Points |
Additional Info |
As with other Places Munzees, these can be captured daily! They will also contribute progress towards the Places Capture badge line and the Places Streak badge line.
For more information on how to deploy a Places munzee, you can check out our Help Guide article. This document will be updated with our guidelines should any changes occur.
Pit Stop Deploy Guidelines:
Remember, a Places Munzee has to have its location approved for deployment, so please be sure to read through these guidelines carefully. It is also very helpful for you to update the Munzee’s name and notes so our reviewers can verify it quickly and deploy it for you. These submissions will be a little bit more difficult to determine validity. Please remember the purpose of these is to provide other players a clean, safe, spot to stop so please don’t abuse the new type.
Pit Stop: This game piece is designed to help players find public restrooms while they’re out playing. Position your Pit Stop Munzee game piece strategically in locations where a break is essential!
Avoid placing it at homes. We will not allow entire towns to have them at every grocery store or restaurant. Many places like these have restrooms available in America and we understand that, but please use these sparingly.
Be helpful with this POI, if there is some specific place that others might not realize a public toilet is available. Please opt for public restrooms such as those at gas stations (again sparingly – not every gas station in every American town), rest stops, and similar facilities known as “services” across Europe and other parts of the world.
Towns across the United States, and some other parts of the world, may be quite unique with public restrooms available “everywhere”. Please help us keep this POI as it is intended.
Places Munzees are very unique due to the much larger cap radius (as compared with other munzee types) and aforementioned daily capture ability. As you can’t capture your own munzees, trade Places munzees with other players to make the most of your deploys!
Thank you all once again, and we hope these updates to Places Munzees will be helpful on your Munzee adventure!