May 2024 Clan Wars Requirements
It’s time to armor up and MAY this month’s Clan Wars be in your favor! Check the Clan section in our app for requirements and rewards. For enhanced gameplay, use CuppaZee app and website to track clan stats and daily gameplay!
Note: Clan requirements may update before May 3 and reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app.
New ClanPak for May’s battle is available HERE! Tailored for Clan battles, it includes items to chase scatters, grow Evos, cap Bouncers, and deploy Mechz like never before. Limit 1 per player account per 30 days, and for $15 you’ll get:
- 5 cogs
- 3 QRowbars
- 2 magnets
- 2 virtual magnets
- 3 capture radius boosters
- 3 rover treats
- 1 flat Lou
- 1 Pumpkin
- 4 Quick Grow
- 1 limited edition greeting card
Level 1
- at least 4 days of activity
- at least 25,000 total points
- at least 20 Places caps
- at least 100 Jewel points
- at least 200 Flat Friends/Objects points
- at least 100 Elemental points
- at least 200 Greeting Card points
- at least 100 RUM points
- at least 100 Zodiac points
- at least 100 Scatter points
Clan (in addition to individual requirements)
- at least 110,000 total points
- at least 5 Urban Fit caps/deploys
- at least 150 Weapon points
- at least 10 Reseller caps/deploys
- at least 250 Gaming points
- at least 2000 Mech points
- at least 1 Broken Mech
Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 shield, 1 clan war card, 1 earth mystery, 1 temp virt, 2 rover treats, 2 cogs, 1 flat Murray, 1 RPS
Level 2
- at least 7 days of activity
- at least 45,000 total points
- at least 30 Places caps
- at least 250 Jewel points
- at least 400 Flat Friends/Objects points
- at least 250 Elemental points
- at least 400 Greeting Card points
- at least 1 Claimed QRate
- at least 200 RUM points
- at least 200 Zodiac points
- at least 250 Scatter points
Clan (in addition to individual requirements)
- at least 220,000 total points
- at least 10 Urban Fit caps/deploys
- at least 500 Weapon points
- at least 20 Reseller caps/deploys
- at least 750 Gaming points
- at least 4000 Mech points
- at least 3 Broken Mechs
Rewards: 1 mace, 1 virt + color, 1 fire mystery, 1 temp virt, 1 citrine, 2 cogs, 1 maple chess set
Level 3
- at least 12 days of activity
- at least 75,000 total points
- at least 50 Places caps
- at least 400 Jewel points
- at least 750 Flat Friends/Objects points
- at least 500 Elemental points
- at least 750 Greeting Card points
- at least 2 Claimed QRates
- at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
- at least 400 RUM points
- at least 300 Zodiac points
- at least 500 Scatter points
Clan (in addition to individual requirements)
- at least 375,000 total points
- at least 15 Urban Fit caps/deploys
- at least 1250 Weapon points
- at least 40 Reseller caps/deploys
- at least 1500 Gaming points
- at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
- at least 6000 Mech points
- at least 5 Broken Mechs
Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 catapult, 1 virtual + color, 1 flat Rob, 1 temp virt, 1 evo reset, 1 air mystery, 1 Trojan Unicorn, 2 cogs, 3 stamps
Level 4
- at least 17 days of activity
- at least 125,000 total points
- at least 90 Places caps
- at least 750 Jewel points
- at least 1500 Flat Friends/Objects points
- at least 1000 Elemental points
- at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
- at least 1500 Greeting Card points
- at least 2 Claimed QRates
- at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
- at least 750 RUM points
- at least 400 Zodiac points
- at least 1250 Scatter points
- at least 1000 Evo Bouncer points
Clan (in addition to individual requirements)
- at least 750,000 total points
- at least 25 Urban Fit caps/deploys
- at least 2500 Weapon points
- at least 60 Reseller caps/deploys
- at least 3000 Gaming points
- at least 20 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
- at least 8000 Mech points
- at least 10 Broken Mechs
Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 battle axe, 2 virtuals + colors, 100 zeds, 2 destinations, 1 electric mystery, 3 cogs, 1 flat Cats
Level 5
- at least 22 days of activity
- at least 350,000 total points
- at least 150 Places caps
- at least 1250 Jewel points
- at least 2500 Flat Friends/Objects points
- at least 2000 Elemental points
- at least 5 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
- at least 3000 Greeting Card points
- at least 4 Claimed QRates
- at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
- at least 1250 RUM points
- at least 500 Zodiac points
- at least 2500 Scatter points
- at least 2000 Evo Bouncer points
Clan (in addition to individual requirements)
- at least 2,150,000 total points
- at least 50 Urban Fit caps/deploys
- at least 3500 Weapon points
- at least 100 Reseller caps/deploys
- at least 5000 Gaming points
- at least 50 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
- at least 10000 Mech points
- at least 15 Broken Mechs
Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 hammer, 2 virtuals + colors, 2 temp virts, 150 zeds, 2 evo resets, 1 butterfly, 2 rover treats, 3 cogs, 1 void mystery, 1 Celtic falcon, 6 stamps
Level 6
- at least 27 days of activity
- at least 600,000 total points
- at least 250 Places caps
- at least 2500 Jewel points
- at least 5000 Flat Friends/Objects points
- at least 4000 Elemental points
- at least 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
- at least 6000 Greeting Card points
- at least 5 Claimed QRates
- at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
- at least 2000 RUM points
- at least 1000 Zodiac points
- at least 5000 Scatter points
- at least 3000 Evo Bouncer points
Clan (in addition to individual requirements)
- at least 5,000,000 total points
- at least 100 Urban Fit caps/deploys
- at least 6000 Weapon points
- at least 200 Reseller caps/deploys
- at least 7500 Gaming points
- at least 100 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
- at least 25000 Mech points
- at least 25 Broken Mechs
Rewards: 3 virtuals + colors, 1 magnet, 1 virtual magnet, 5 temp virts, 250 zeds, 2 evo resets, 2 rover treats, 2 QRowbars, 10 cogs, 1 flat flashlight, 1 pumpkin, 12 stamps
Access our Help Guide for complete information regarding Clan Wars. For tips on how to maximize your gameplay, visit our Tips & Tricks Guide, created by players! Find more information about QRates and see the qualifications for ZeeQRew here.
May Badges
Your Clan can earn monthly badges by reaching certain levels in Clan Wars. But remember, you only get a badge if the whole clan reaches that level. In May, there are six badges up for grabs. The first badge will appear as follows:
New (in March) ALL points categories:
- RUM points category will include all cap, capon, and deploy points for most reseller specific products including: RUMbots, cards, vRUM, RUM, and Bounty Ships
- Total Zodiac points will include all cap, capon, and deploy points from all Western, Chinese, Egyptian, Celtic, and Norse zodiacs. No scatter points are included in this category.
- Total Mech Points will include all cap, capon, and deploy points from all mechz, including broken mechz. No scatter types are included in this category. (Trojan Unicorn is not a mech).
- Total Scatter Points will include all cap, capon, and deploy points from all scatters. Examples: artifacts scattered from zodiacs, parts scattered from mechz, feathers from flamingos, feathers from air mystery, hats from gnomes, etc. This does not include limited-time MOB scatters.
- Total Evo Bouncer points will include all cap and capon points from all bouncers that emerge from an evolution munzee. These are limited to all varieties of the Pumpkin, Bee, Turtle, Duck, Jellyfish, Butterfly, and Frog.
- Broken Mechz refers to being the last person to cap a mech, causing it to break and archive.
Golden carrot will be available to claim as a special trade in the Premium section of the redeem store beginning May 3rd. Cost will be 0 zeds (that’s right, ZERO zeds).
QRates must be found during the current clan war (after 00:10 on May 3rd) — give it a few minutes to fully switch into the new battle.