New Places Munzees and a Places Munzee Coin
We’d like to thank everyone who submitted recommendations for new Places Munzees. We had almost 3,000 submissions in less than two days for stadiums and airports all over the world. The team sorted through them, and we will be adding over 300 more locations tomorrow, January 31st, at 15:00 MHQ time.
To celebrate these new Places Munzees, we will also be releasing a limited number of Places Munzee Coinz.
The Places Munzee Coinz can be set to track all Places Munzees (Stadiums, Airports, and future Places) that you capture. These will be available in the Munzee Online Store tomorrow at 15:00 MHQ time, and there is a limit of 1 per account.
We hope you enjoy the new Places Munzees and the Places Munzee Coin!
Munzee on!