New App Update and An Attractive Magnet Weekend Celebration!
We’re excited to announce that the latest Munzee update is officially live! The newest over-the-air update streamlines Munzee Magnet activation, and includes a number of new Deploy Modes for the different layers of the map!
You can find more details regarding the updates below, but first some more fun news! In celebration of the Magnet update we’re hosting a Magnet Weekend for everyone around the world!
Magnet Weekend Celebration
Starting at 00:01 MHQ on Saturday July 20, 2019 all physical and virtual Munzee Magnets will attract up to five bouncing munzees for 2 hours! This celebration will end Sunday July 21, 2019 at 23:59 MHQ. This means your Magnets are even more powerful just in time for 8zees Birthday events for the weekend, including our California Birthday Bash! To sweeten the pot all Premium Munzee members will also be awarded one free physical Munzee Magnet on Saturday as well! So if you’re not Premium hurry and join before 00:01 MHQ tomorrow!
We also have a special deal on Magnets in the Freeze Tag Online Store! Although players are limited to 10 magnets of each type every 10 days, you can now purchase physical and virtual Magnet 5 Packs for a limited amount of time! From now until Monday, July 22 at 10:00 MHQ five packs of Magnets are available for $4.50. There is a limit of 2 of each Magnet pack per customer, which means you can get an additional 10 of each Magnet type for this weekend, even if you’ve already purchased your ten for this time frame!
Munzee Magnet Update
It’s now easier than ever to Magnetize Munzees in the app! Simply go to the Details page for the Greenie or Virtual you want to Magnetize and you’ll see a bright red “Magnetize” button. This button will only show on munzees that can be Magnetized, so no more guessing and checking! When you go to Magnetize a munzee you’ll also be able to see how many Magnets you have in stock from a pop-up confirmation message.
You can learn about how to Magnetize munzees on the Munzee Help Guide, as well as by watching the video below!
Deploy Layers & Filters Update
Following the Munzee Map Split last month, we’re excited to announce that additional filters have been added to separate the different deploy layers in the game. This makes it much easier to tell where you can deploy certain types of munzees!
Each layer will use different colored proximity circles so you can easily tell which types are which:
- Deploy All Types Mode – all colors, all types
- Physical Deploy Mode – original red color
- Virtual Deploy Mode – blue color
- Flat Deploy Mode – green color
- Temporary Virtual Deploy Mode – yellow color
- Event Deploy Mode – pink color (only visible on event accounts
You can access these different deploy modes from the Filters section of the app. To help with all of these different types of munzees we have also given Premium members two additional custom preset filters, for a total of five.
We hope these latest updates help make your gameplay experience even easier! Be sure to take advantage of the Magnet Weekend Celebration to help you get Magic 8 Balls, Flat Shuttles, 8 Mates and more. We have lots of other great updates in the works so be sure to stay tuned.
Munzee on!