Munzee Toolkit Munzday: Sdgal
One of the best parts about Munzee is that you can play how you want. Everyone goes about playing a bit differently, and that leads to some very creative and innovative uses of objects. From containers to bags to maintenance, we always encounter something new when we meet players. We want to showcase your Munzee Toolkits to see how you play the game and possibly even inspire other players who may need help! This week’s featured Munzee Toolkit comes from Sdgal!
This week’s featured Munzee Toolkit comes from a Munzee vet. Player sdgal has been munzeeing for nearing 7 years, with her Munzee strategies helping her earn over 5.8 million points for a top 500 world ranking. Let’s see what sdgal carries in her Munzee Toolkit to help her achieve such impressive numbers!

The larger one (left) is for when I plan to deploy. I carry the smaller one (right) just in case Qrewzee replacement is necessary
Sdgal Toolkit
My user name is sdgal. My husband is SDWD. We do approximately 90% of the deploys in our town, Yankton, SD. There is one other active player in town, but she never deploys.
The current #9 and #29 players in the world are friends from our caching days. They have generously deployed in our town, as well as a couple of other friends.
My husband and I are both in our 70’s, so we enjoy getting out of the house and get a little exercise chasing specials. We winter in Yuma and have really grown that area. Now there are a couple more active players down there, so more fun with more players!
Share Your Kit!
If you have a Munzee Toolkit that you’d like to show off, you can email us at with the subject “Munzee Toolkit.” Make sure to include:
- Your username and where you are from.
- A few high quality photos.
- A list of what each item is and how you use it.
- What made you decide to use those items.
- Any other relevant details.
Please feel free to include as much information about your gameplay as you wish to share! We want to see your creativity and learn how you play, so show us what you’ve got! And for Munzee tips and tricks, you can always check out our Help Guide articles!
A big Munzee thank you to sdgal for sharing her Munzee Toolkit!
Munzee on!