Munzee Player of the Week: Marie Hunniecutt (hunniees)

As Munzee has grown over the years, the game has evolved in so many more ways than any of the co-founders could have imagined. We’ve certainly had our fair share of growing pains, but in its essence Munzee has tried to stick to its core goal of getting people out into the world. No one knows this better than those players who have been with us since the beginning. This week’s Player of the Week is Marie Hunniecutt (hunniees).

Who are you?
I am the spouse of a munzee addict (dt07751) and a Florida Cracker. No, a Florida Cracker is not a biscuit or snack food but a native Floridian. 😉 marienoseFlorida is a major cattle producer in the US and “Cracker” refers to the sound a whip makes when hearding cattle

Where in the world do you live?
I live in Lithia, Florida in the US, a munzee rich area. This is in central Florida not too far from Disney World or the beach.

How long have you played Munzee?
I started playing munzee about 2 years ago on a family vacation in the Midwest

How did you find Munzee?
We scanned a munzee posted on a Lake Superior Lighthouse. Thank you lrgrego for including a little information about munzee along with the QR! Since this was a driving vacation, I thought it would be fun to try it out. There weren’t many munzees on our trip or near our home at that time. Once we figured out tree hides and deployed our first mystery munzee, we were hooked.

What do you most enjoy about Munzee?
There are so many things I love about this game!

  1. Social Munzees
    No, you don’t get points, but you get the chance to meet and interact with people from all over the world sharing and trading Social Munzees. I have met such wonderful people and made many new friends via Social Munzees.
  2. Walking
    My work as an accountant required lots of time sitting and staring at a computer. (Of course, you can tell I am an accountant from the numbered lists. 😉 ) Munzee gets you out of doors, increases your activity, and gives you new venues to explore.
  3. Exploring
    Since my hubby and I like to travel, Munzee provides a way to explore new surroundings. By following Munzee Trails, we find lovely 11873933_736863866424234_876809587_nplaces that you wouldn’t read about in a travel brochure. One of my favorite spots in Cologne is a park that we found following a Mystery Munzee trail. Then, there are the munzees in Bergen overlooking the harbor…breathtaking.
    Through meeting other players, we explored new areas including Southend by the Sea, Celle, and Berlin. Thank you Tatch, Mary, McRon, Plueschi, JackSparrow and ChickenRun for making our visits so special.
  4. The Players!
    Whether it be earning a badge, learning how to create a social, or understanding game play, most munzee players go out of their way to reach out and lend a helping hand. I love helping other players and learning new munzee tips. Munzee is at its best when players work together.
  5. Clan Battles.
    Munzee does a good job of highlighting different aspects of the game in Clan Battles. I enjoy seeing which new aspect of the game will be incorporated each month. Wouldn’t it be great to see Social Munzees in next month’s battle?

Event pic

What is on your wish list?

  1. Fitbit badges.
    The relationship between munzee and fitbit is a natural. It would be great to recognize the exercise benefits of munzee.
  2. More Rover badges.
    While we have badges for the number of rovers handled, the rover leaderboard is not currently recognized via badges. A badge for the number of rovers owned and unleashed might be helpful in making rovers a larger part of the game.
  3. Official Munzee Communications pushed to email and the application.
    When we first began playing munzee we missed a lot of key information since we were not using Facebook. I am now actively using FaceBook but find that many munzee players are still missing key information. The recent munzee Amethyst communication via the app was great and I hope this continues.
  4. Landing Page Redesign.
    While I love seeing recent captures and popular deployments on my munzee landing page, social munzees are commingled with virtuals and physicals. For those individuals with social munzees, the current design preventsready identification of popular physical/virtual deployments. It would be great to have social munzee deployments listed separate from other deployments.
  5. Personal Munzees for Sale.
    Great idea to develop a personal locationless munzee. My mouth has been watering since I saw them in July but regrettably I was not the winner. Pretty please release them for sale!
  6. Application Capacity.
    With the recent sale of Emeralds or other special event sales/activities, munzee speed and response seems to be a consistent issue. I expect sales are lost due to member frustration during these periods and that increased revenue which would offset additional capacity cost.

Munzee Clan Franklin

Tell us about yourself!
I am happy to be part of the Florida Munzee Family and a member of a great clan, Florida Munzee Hunters SuperChuckers. Florida is a great place to munzee! Should you ever come here to visit, please send me a note. It would be great to have you visit Florida and I would be happy to share tips and information about munzeeing here. Summers are pretty hot and humid, so Florida is best seen in the Fall, Winter or Spring. 🙂

Other hobbies include:
Baking. That is all I can squeeze in with munzee

hunniees also included some socials (one of which is on the Header Image), so cap away!
