Munzee 3.0 Beta Update
Thanks to everybody who tested Beta 1 of the Munzee 3.0 app. We are very excited about the next beta which will be released on Friday, July 31, 2015 at 10am MHQ time. Beta 2 will be active until the following Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 10am MHQ time. After that, you’ll be unable to use Beta 2. We disable the beta so that we can lock down features and provide a better product.
If you had Munzee 3.0 Beta 1, you don’t have to do anything further. You will receive an email when we release Beta 2, and it will be available for you to download. If you DID NOT sign up for Beta 1, you can sign up now via the links below, and you’ll receive an email when we release Beta 2.
- Android –
- iOS –
We are also going to re-open user feedback. Please only leave feedback that is relevant to this beta. We realize that many of you have suggestions for new features, but at this stage in the Beta process, we are looking for feedback regarding current features in the app. We’d especially love feedback on the filter section of the app. Please go to to leave feedback.
Here are just some of the changes that we have made since we released Beta 1.
- Multi-User Login
- Clan Details View
- First Time Login Walkthrough
- Munzee Name and Notes on the Same Page on Deploy
- Button to remove the name and the notes of a munzee
- Combined Items on Filters
- Friends List
- Showing User Titles
- Hide Popup After 2 seconds
- Fixed the constant Compass Calibration for iOS
- Rate the App
- Secure Socials can now get a new code
- Help/Support Menu Item
Thanks, and grow the map!