Meet Munzee Munday: John Rogeles

Here at Munzee we’re constantly encouraging our players to meet and greet and build the personal relationships that make this game so great. Our team continues to grow and we’re excited with the addition of John Rogeles.

Name and Title:

John Rogeles, Graphic Designer

Where are you from?
Puerto Rico

Tell us about yourself:
Self-taught artist, Creative, Gamer, overall whacky character

How long have you worked for Munzee?
My first day was May 1st, 2017.

What do you enjoy most about Munzee?
The culture — everyone here is on the same wave.

What are some of your other hobbies?
Besides art, I like to create small proto-type video games, backyard sports, camping, hiking, and watching movies.

Any last words?
I hope the Munzee community enjoys my artist take on badges, icons, and plenty of other art-related illustrations that will inevitably come out in the future.