Beware the Fire…Mystery Munzee

Rob: Yote… Yote… YOTE!!!

Yote: Yes, sir. Mr. Imperial Leader, SIR!

Rob: What are you doing, Yote?

Yote: Munzeeing, of course, Imperial Leader!

Rob: Good to hear, Yote! We have a surprise for you.

Yote: A surprise?! Am I finally getting the Yote Munzee?!?!?!

Rob: Not quite, but close. We’re putting The Yote on some badges for a new Munzee type.

Yote: Badges?? A new Munzee?? Tell me more SIR!

Rob: It’s all below in the blog post, Yote. Thank you for all that you do.

Yote: Thank you, Mr. Imperial Leader!! I’m so money!!! YOTE

Ah, Yote and The Imperial Leader… Well, Rob is correct. We have a new Munzee type coming out. This Munzee is a Reseller Exclusive so you will only be able to purchase them from our Authorized Resellers. They will be released for sale on June 1 at 00:01 MHQ (CST). Matt and Rob alluded to it on this past Friday’s videocast, so without any further ado, we’re proud to introduce the Fire Mystery Munzee!

Let’s start with the basics:

Name: Fire Mystery Munzee

Deploy: 50
Capture/CapOn: Split of 60 by multiples of 5 with a minimum of 10 (eg, 10, 15, 35, 40, etc) ย — Example: capture = 25, cap on = 35.

The Twist(s):
When captured, the Fire Mystery lights three (3) fires within 1 mile on greenies. These will burn for two hours or until capped.

FireMysterySpreadCapping these fires results in two possible outcomes:

  1. There is an 80% chance that the fire will extinguish. For putting out the fire, you will receive 50 points for capture, and the owner of the host greenie will earn 10 points.
  2. The other 20% is a little more dangerous. These fires can also burn you. If you get burned, you will LOSE 5 (-5) points. (The owner of the host greenie will still earn 10 points). It’s a choice of risk versus reward. As the saying goes, if you play with fire you mightย get burned.

Upon release of the Fire Mystery, we will also have three badge lines: Capping the Fire Mystery Munzees, Deploying Fire Mystery Munzees, and “Getting Burned”.

This is where Yote comes in. While we don’t want to go into too much detail of his personal life, he is a frontline firefighter in California who specializes in wildfires. He has very graciously allowed us to use his Yote likeness in the badges. We would like to thank him for that, and even more importantly, everything he does.

Capping the Fire Mystery

  1. Capture 1 Fire Mystery Munzee
  2. Capture 100 Fire Mystery Munzees
  3. Capture 250 Fire Mystery Munzees

“Getting Burned”

  1. Get burned 1 time
  2. Get burned 25 times
  3. Get burned 100 times

Deploying the Fire Mystery

  1. Deploy 1 Fire Mystery Munzee
  2. Deploy 5 Fire Mystery Munzees

We also want to take this opportunity to provide help to our friends to the north. If you haven’t heard, Canada is experiencing terrible wildfires right now. Team Munzee is making a donationย to the Canadian Red Cross on behalf of the Munzee Resellers to help those affected by these fires.

If you would like to donate as well, please visit The Government of Canada is matching all individual donations, and they could use all the help they can get.

The Munzee app and website will be updated over the next day to reflect the introduction of the Fire Mystery.

We hope you enjoy the new Fire Mystery Munzee. Try not to get burned too often! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Munzee on!