Bash from the Past Eventzee Hunt Winners!
On September 21, we kicked off our first Eventzee hunt in the new app! The hunt ended as of the 31st, and we were happy to see the warm response from those who participated! We periodically reviewed photo and video submissions throughout the hunt’s active period so you could see what others were up to in the feed, but as we expected, we weren’t able to keep with everyone!
To give you the results in a timely manner, as promised, we reviewed ALL the submissions from the players that were in the top 10 on the leaderboard. Depending on the quality of the photo/video submissions and the accuracy of the text submissions, the ranking may have shifted a bit. Some may have gone out of the top 10, in which case, we reviewed ALL the submissions for the new player that made it in, until the final top 10 consisted of players who’ve been thoroughly reviewed by us. So, without further ado, here are the winners:
- monrose
- TamiEarthAngel
- johnsjen
- Isopun2
- Rufnredy
- Jafo43
- Aufbau
- GroundFox
- Neta
- CoalCracker7
These hardworking Eventzee players will receive Zeds based on how they ranked! Zeds are our in-app currency which allow you to buy things ranging from Magnets to special item packs that aren’t available anywhere else! If you want to learn more about Zeds, check out our Help Guide article HERE!