Announcing the 2016 Munzee Theme…
For players who were around in 2014, you’ve certainly heard these words in one form or another. President Rob Vardeman chanted this mantra at many meetings, events and podcasts in Munzee’s third year of business. We were striving to keep things fresh, surprise our players and grow as a company. Often this also meant surprising the MHQ staff with quick turnaround on projects and unexpected campaigns.
2015: New Year. New Perspective.
In 2015 we aimed to flip everything on it’s side and approach our game in new ways. From retiring the MVM to transferring to hybrids apps in the long-awaited 3.0 release, we changed the way we looked at the company. 2015 saw the creation of Zee, Eventzee, Runzee and the acquisition of Wallabee- all different ways of playing mobile games.Not to mention the continued success of the Munzee Marketplace and the creation of Green Pin Produce. It was a year of big changes, but admittedly there were some growing pains.
At the end of 2015 we as a staff thought hard about the successes and missteps of our four years in business. We analyzed what worked, what didn’t, and what we would have to do in 2016 to continue the success of our brand. No matter our expectations, no matter which way we looked at it, the success of Munzee all came down to one thing: You, our community.
2016: Growing Innovative Communities Rooted In Fun.
More than a theme, 2016’s mantra is a combination of a goal, a mission and a vision. It’s time for us to get back to our roots, which is our strong and devoted community of players. Although our community spans the globe and grows every day, we want to ensure that our relationship and our communication is maintained with players of all Munzee Inc. games. Of course there will always be branches that break and sometimes the weather may rustle a few leaves, but like the mighty oak tree, we will continue to grow as long as we maintain strong roots.
As all branches of our company grow our communities grow as well. Because without the roots of our community we cannot grow, innovate and evolve as a business. Thank you on behalf of all Team MHQ- we’re excited for what 2016 has to bring.