Time For Some Good GREEN Fun With A New Competition!

Agents, here is some more intel on that special assignment we announced on Wednesday — if you were on the fence about joining then, perhaps this brief will help you decide.

Zeecret Agents Competition

It’s time to show that you’re ready to become a ZeeOps Agent through a little friendly competition from now until Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 23:59 MHQ. Similar to our Competing Camp Specials we’re splitting you up to compete as worldwide teams! This time though, there are only two teams — the P.E.A.R Agency vs the P.I.N.E. Agency– and things will work a little differently.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to work with other agents to whittle down the enemy agency’s hit points and maintain or increase your own agency’s hit points for each round. If you accept this mission, head over to the opt-in link on CuppaZee HERE to find out which agency you’ve been assigned to.

Round Rules

For the first round each agency begins with 1,000 hit points. Each team can max out to 2,500 hit points in round one as well. Maxing out hit points does not mean your team wins that round. A round will end as soon as one team’s health reaches 0 HP or after 5 days. If 5 days pass, the team with the highest remaining health will be given the win. Rounds are then reset, giving both agencies full hit points again.

A new round will begin each time an agency is KO’d until the competition ends. Please note that not all rounds may begin with the same base points. Some rounds may have higher hit point counts. After the competition ending time, the final round will continue until it ends, as normal. If the final round ends and both teams have won the same amount of rounds, there will be a final rapid decider round, with a low starting HP.

Here is a breakdown of which actions will increase your agency’s hit points, and which will decrease the enemy agency’s hit points. You might notice a few new types on this list too! You can learn more about Pear Bombs and Pineamite below, but stay tuned for the Spyderbot and Laser Pen reveals soon!

Add 5 points to your team Spyderbot
Add 3 points to your team P.E.A.R. Agent
P.I.N.E. Agent
Add 2 points to your team Pear
Add 1 point to your team Briefcase
Night Vision Goggles
Laser Pen
Subtract 10 points from the other team Squashed Spyderbot
Subtract 5 points from the other team Bowling – 2nd Roll
Subtract 1 point from the other team Physical Pear Bomb
Virtual Pear Bomb
Physical Pineamite
Virtual Pineamite
Infrared Virtual
Laser Trail 1
Laser Trail 2
Laser Trail 3
Add 10 points to your team Spyderbot
Add 2 points to your team Briefcase
Subtract 1 point from other team Night Vision Goggles
Subtract 5 points from other team Laser Pen

*We may change these values between rounds in order to improve gameplay.

Bomb MOBs

Agents from both P.E.A.R. and P.I.N.E. have left surprises around the world and it’s up to you to defuse them! There will be 500 Pear Bomb and Pineamite MOBs on the map for the entirety of the competition. That breaks down to 125 of each type in physical form, and likewise in virtual form. These are attracted to Magnets. Ironically, none of these specials are blastable.

As noted above, for the competition leaderboard each Pear Bomb and Pineamite capture will subtract 1 point from your enemy team. Please note that this is different than the actual capture points a player will earn. This secondary point structure is just for tallying the competition leaderboard for those who are playing.

Landing Pads:

Bounce Time:

  • every 4 hours


  • Capture: 111
  • CapOn: 50

Zeecret Agents tPOBs

In addition to the Pear Bomb and Pineamite there will also be rare P.E.A.R. Agent and P.I.N.E. Agent Specials bouncing around the map! They are already out there lurking around on the map and more Agents may be unleashed as Agency Heads see fit! These are attracted to both Physical or Virtual Magnets on their respective landing pads. These are officially tPOBs on a Munzee account and are not blastable.

As noted above, since these are more rare each Agent capture will add 3 points to your own team on the competition leaderboard. Again, please note that this is different than the actual capture points a player will earn. This secondary point structure is just for tallying the competition leaderboard.

Landing Pads:

Bounce Times:

  • every 4 hours


  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 100


There are a number of badges related to the Zeecret Agents Competition specials:

  • Team Badge- Think of it as a Membership Badge! These badges feature your agency’s crest so wear it with pride!
  • Earn the Explosives Expert badge by capping at least one of each Bomb and Agent special.
  • There are three badges based on overall Bomb and Agent special captures. Cap as many as you can to earn these badges!
  • There will also be badges based on the outcome of the competition. We’ll keep those a secret for now πŸ˜‰

You can sneak a peek at the team badges below:

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

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