Year End Special Icons!
Expect the Unexpected! As Team Munzee winds down and prepares to spend the holidays with our families, we want to offer our players something to keep them busy during the rest of the holiday season. As many of you have captured, our blue gifts have been on the map all month long, but Santazee may have let a few more things slip off his sleigh. Along with the blue gifts we’re launching red gifts to the map as well. But that’s not all!
It’s been a big year for Munzee and for those that missed out on various parts of the year, we wanted to bring back a few of our highlights. So, starting December 26th at midnight (00:01 MHQ Time) we’re re-releasing a few icons. These special icons, along with the two gifts, will stay on the map until the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s eve (23:59 MHQ Time). 200 of each icon will be on the map (Blue gifts will reduce to 200 when the rest go live) and they’ll sit in one place for 6 hours or until capped, when it will then bounce to a new spot in the world. For those that have captured these already, this is technically a new icon so it will show up in your specials list as a new icon. All of the icons can be seen on once they go live on the 26th. As with all special icons you are not able to capture one on your own munzee, but you are able to capture an icon on any other munzee (even if you’ve capped it before).
All will launch on December 26 at 00:01 and stay on map until December 31 at 23:59
- Football- More Kicks- Points: 20 split cap & owner
- Blue Gift- Points: 25 split cap & owner