The Pegasus Mythological!

We’re proud to announce the latest in the Classical Mythology set of munzees, the high-flying Pegasus!

On Tuesday,Β August 15th at 15:00 MHQ time, 1,600 Pegasus Mythological Munzees will be available in theΒ Munzee Online StoreΒ for $20.00 each. Like the other Mythologicals, each player is limited toΒ one (1) Pegasus Munzee per account, and the sale is open to anyone regardless of other Mythological ownership.

Although other Myths like the Faun and Hydra land on Greenies and specific physical Elemental Munzees, the Pegasus is a different kind of beast. The Pegasus will bounce on all colors of Virtual Munzees, Mystery Virtual Munzees, and MVMs as well as Air Mystery Munzees every 12 hours or when captured. Because this Mythological is attracted to so many different kinds of virtuals it will not be attracted to Munzee Magnets.


Name: The Pegasus

Description: The Pegasus Munzee bounces on all colors of Virtual Munzeess, Mystery Virtual Munzees, and MVMs as well as Air Mystery Munzees every 12 hours or when capped. Each is numbered and owned by a Munzee player. Only 1 Pegasus Munzee is allowed per account. You will also earn the Pegasus badge for owning a Pegasus Munzee.


  • Deploy: 100
  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn: 100

There is also a line of badges for capturing unique Pegasus Munzees.

To celebrate the release of the Pegasus, we’re also putting 100 more of each past Mythological Munzee for sale on August 15th at 15:00 MHQ time. These will still be limited to one per player account, so if you have one you will not be able to get another. We’ve seen a lot of new players join recently, so here is your chance to own a growing part of the game.

Thank you to everyone for their excitement regarding the Mythological Munzees. Be on the lookout to find a Pegasus near you! Munzee on!