Posts Tagged ‘diabetes charity special’

November 16, 2017

Community Stories – Diabetes, Part 7

When we announced our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special, we asked you to share your stories of living with diabetes, and health in general, and how Munzee has helped you. We’ve gotten a handful of stories that we will be sharing, and we hope these encourage you to share yours. These stories have been edited to exclude personal information unless explicitly stated.

On May 4th 2015 , my world was rocked to the core.

My daughter (12 1/2 at the time) had been unwell and vomiting so we took her to the doctor. He said she had a tummy bug.
A few hours later, she was deteriorating, so I took her to the ER. They suspected appendicitis and drew blood. Then they said, “You didn’t say she had diabetes?” I said, “She doesn’t that I know of.”
Then, things got crazy.  She was rushed into critical care.  She had undiagnosed Type 1 Diabetes and was in DKA (diabetes keto acidosis) — her body was filling with acid from having too high glucose levels for too long and not being able to process it. She was dying and her body was starting to shut down.
She spent 8 hrs in critical care and was started on insulin before they could move her to ICU, where she was for 24 hrs. She was then moved to the kids ward for a week, where we learned all about injecting multiple times a day, calculating carbs in everything she ate, and the rigorous testing she now endures every time before she eats, injects, exercises, sleeps and we even test at least once overnight. Everything affects her glucose levels. It will every moment of her life until a cure is found.
She now lives life to the fullest, and goes abseiling, hiking, caving, enjoys school and had fun with her friends.
We now try and live every moment to its fullest, and Munzee takes us places, allows us to meet new people, and just try and embrace life. It can change at any moment.

If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email!

Munzee on!

November 14, 2017

Community Stories – Diabetes, Part 6

When we announced our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special, we asked you to share your stories of living with diabetes, and health in general, and how Munzee has helped you. We’ve gotten a handful of stories that we will be sharing, and we hope these encourage you to share yours. These stories have been edited to exclude personal information unless explicitly stated.
Being a trucker for 20 years, I was never able to really have a healthy lifestyle. Fast food and a lack of exercise were the normal for me. So, naturally, it came as no surprise to me that I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in May of 2016 with an A1C level of 8.9 (blood sugar level of 208). I had known about Munzee for a while, but the only thing missing for me to play was a smartphone. So, ironically, about a week before my diagnosis, I finally broke down and bought one so I could start playing. With the help of Munzee power trails and areas where I was laying over, I started walking more and more. Fast forward to today, a mere 18 months later, through diet and exercise through Munzee, I have dropped 25 lbs. and brought my A1C down to 5.6 (blood sugar level of 114). It’s still a challenge to get out of the driver’s seat, but thanks to all of the players of this game for placing the game pieces for me to cap. It makes it a lot easier to do so.

If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email!

Munzee on!

November 13, 2017

World Diabetes Day 2017 Special

First off, we want to thank everyone who has participated in our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special. We’ve had a great response to the specials, and the stories that have been shared are very special. We love seeing how Munzee helps our community.

Before the charity specials leave the map, we’ve got one more surprise up our sleeves.

World Diabetes Day Special

Starting tomorrow (November 14th) at 15:00 MHQ time, 2,017 World Diabetes Day bouncing specials will be on the map. These specials will bounce on greenies every 6 hours or when capped, and will be attracted by Magnets. The points for these specials are as follows:

Capture – 14
CapOn (for host owner) – 11

You will also earn the World Diabetes Day 2017 badge for capturing one of these specials.

World Diabetes Day 2017 Badge

These specials will leave the map along with the Diabetes Awareness Charity Specials on Sunday, November 19th at 23:59 MHQ time.

We will also be selling Diabetes Awareness Personal Munzees beginning at 15:00 MHQ time tomorrow. The website link will be live at that time.

These Personal Munzees include the Diabetes Awareness Charity Special icon on the front and the World Diabetes Day 2017 special badge on the back. They are printed on PVC key tags, making them lightweight and durable. A limited number of these will be available for $10 each, and there is a limit of one per username.

We hope you enjoy this new special icon as well as the new Personal Munzees.

Munzee on!

November 9, 2017

Community Stories – Diabetes, Part 5

When we announced our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special, we asked you to share your stories of living with diabetes, and health in general, and how Munzee has helped you. We’ve gotten a handful of stories that we will be sharing, and we hope these encourage you to share yours. These stories have been edited to exclude personal information unless explicitly stated.
I have had type 2 diabetes for years and have struggled to get my A1C within the high normal range.
My doctor recommended I walk after eating, which is a great suggestion but extremely boring and chore oriented.  Under the circumstances, it didn’t last long.
Munzee is the perfect activity to get the A1C moving in the right direction.  I try to Munzee daily for a little while – because it’s fun….not just for my health.
My A1C is still .2 away from where it should be — 7.2 down from 9.5.
Saying Munzee is saving my life is probably a bit of an exaggeration; however, it helps with diabetes, lung problems, stress, and keeps me active as I grow older.
Thank you for the focus on health within the game

If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email!

Munzee on!

November 7, 2017

Community Stories – Diabetes, Part 4

When we announced our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special, we asked you to share your stories of living with diabetes, and health in general, and how Munzee has helped you. We’ve gotten a handful of stories that we will be sharing, and we hope these encourage you to share yours. These stories have been edited to exclude personal information unless explicitly stated.

At 27, when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, my life changed in the blink of an eye. For those unfamiliar, this is the type where the pancreas no longer works, ever. The type where you get over any needle phobias immediately. The type where your life depends on a complicated balance of Insulin, food and activity. You have to think about it 24/7 with no vacation.

I started playing Munzee in late 2012 and like many, I was quickly hooked. Within this game, I found a way to play in a safe environment with a caring, tightly knit community. The physical activity has a direct impact on both blood sugar control and well being. Many of the players in the community have become close friends and an extended family.

Joining Munzee in philanthropic events for many worthy causes which impacted players in the community has a special place in my heart. My thanks go to the many people who have contributed to the Diabetes charities.  This is one of the many reasons I love Munzee. Maybe one day, we will see a cure for this disease.

If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email!

Munzee on!

November 2, 2017

Community Stories – Diabetes, Part 3

When we announced our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special, we asked you to share your stories of living with diabetes, and health in general, and how Munzee has helped you. We’ve gotten a handful of stories that we will be sharing, and we hope these encourage you to share yours. These stories have been edited to exclude personal information unless explicitly stated.

I’d like to thank you for your new charity special in recognition of Diabetes. It is a cause of significance to me.

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in April 2015. Although we have a strong family history, it was a shock diagnosis at the time. As a mother with 3 young children, the need to exercise was hard to balance with managing the needs of my children. That is where Munzee came in. The one thing I could do was walk, popping my youngest in a pram and munzeeing along trails. She and I spent hours out and about.

Now she is in kindergarten, and I have more time alone, so now the dog and I walk many kilometers capping and deploying. She has worked out we start moving on when my phone beeps! It is great to have a purpose for walks, and Munzee takes me to new and interesting places which keeps me motivated.

With a tweak to my diet and all my Munzee exercise, I have managed to lose a significant amount of weight, and my diabetes is fairly well controlled with medication. I don’t usually share my diagnosis as I think there can be a real stigma in society towards Type 2 sufferers. People are quick to judge you for causing this to occur to yourself.

Thank you again for supporting this wonderful cause.

If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email!

Munzee on!

October 30, 2017

Community Stories – Diabetes, Part 2

When we announced our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special, we asked you to share your stories of living with diabetes, and health in general, and how Munzee has helped you. We’ve gotten a handful of stories that we will be sharing, and we hope these encourage you to share yours. These stories have been edited to exclude personal information unless explicitly stated.
I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes after my invalid husband passed away. Not liking the thought of taking tablets for the rest of my life, I had to do something about it. I knew about Munzee, but I hadn’t participated in it, so tentatively I made a start.
Well 6 months after diagnosis, I was off the tablets, eating better and had ‘normal’ blood sugar levels. Lots of walking, travelling, meeting new people and playing the game has maintained that level, to the point where a specialist said he didn’t believe I was diabetic!
So thank you, Munzee, for the health benefits and long may the game continue.

If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email!

Munzee on!

October 25, 2017

Community Stories – Diabetes, Part 1

When we announced our Diabetes Awareness Charity Special, we asked you to share your stories of living with diabetes, and health in general, and how Munzee has helped you. We’ve gotten a handful of stories that we will be sharing, and we hope these encourage you to share yours. These stories have been edited to exclude personal information unless explicitly stated.

I have to write and tell you how this great game of Munzee helped me from contracting diabetes.

It all started a few years ago: I’m part of a team that creates treasure hunts to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. We were doing a hunt through Hollywood, and my task was to keep ahead of the contestant and make sure the clues were in place. Well, I just couldn’t keep up. When I got back home to the UK, I visited my Doctor, and after many tests, he diagnosed that I was suffering from Pre-Diabetes. In fact, I was very close to developing the disease full blown.

After a while that included a serious diet and much more exercise, I lost about 35 pounds, and was told that my new regime was for life. Well, I used to go letter boxing over here on Dartmoor, but was getting fed up with the wet weather and the need to dress for it. So, I started walking round the town.

It was all pretty boring until a friend of mine (a cacher) said the word Munzee. I had never heard it before, but did a google search.

From that moment on I was hooked. I bought myself an iPhone, and my walks were never the same again. I’ve kept my weight off, and more importantly my blood sugar level has remained in limits.

When the next person wins a silver eagle in the Cancer treasure hunt, I shall be heading to the USA once more. This time, the hunt is in Miami, so I shall take time out and pop across to McKinney, hopefully to meet up with you munzee guys. That will be just great !!

If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email!

Munzee on!

October 16, 2017

Diabetes Awareness Charity Special

Rob and Matt mentioned on the latest podcast that a new charity special was on the way, and we’re happy to announce that it is here! Starting now, you can purchase and deploy the Diabetes Awareness Charity Special.

Diabetes awareness is a very important cause that is near and dear to many of our hearts. From family members to friends, many, if not all, of us know someone who has been affected by diabetes. From MunzFit events to the Tour de Cure to this charity special, we’ve planned this Fall to focus on health and diabetes awareness and research.

Money raised from the Diabetes Awareness Charity Special will be donated to the American Diabetes Association through the Tour de Cure. The remainder of the money will be donated to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The IDF is an umbrella organization that consists of over 200 diabetes associations in 170 countries to help those living with diabetes and those at risk. This charity special also coincides with World Diabetes Day (November 14th), the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign.

The Diabetes Awareness Charity Special will be on the map from Monday, October 16th at 15:00 MHQ time (now) through Sunday, November 19th at 23:59 MHQ time. Specials can be purchased in the Munzee Online Store through October 31st at 23:59 MHQ time These are available for $2.00 each, and there is a limit of 50 per username. You can find them here. These are temporary and will be archived at the end of this special campaign, similar to previous charity campaign specials in the past.

These are temporary virtual munzees that can be placed anywhere via Quick Deploy, and there is a Diabetes Awareness filter in the app under “Virtual” (make sure to turn it on). They have a 300ft capture radius and are blastable as well. These charity specials do follow proximity rules with all other types (excluding Flats). On November 19th at 23:59 they will be archived and removed from the map so plan and deploy early.

Points for the Diabetes Awareness Special are as follows:

  • Deploy: 14
  • Capture: 14
  • CapOn: 10

You can also earn the Diabetes Awareness Special badge for capturing or deploying 1 Diabetes Awareness Special.

During this fundraiser, we’d like to highlight stories about diabetes (or health in general) and how Munzee has helped you. If you have a story you would like to share, please email

We hope you enjoy this temporary charity special virtual game piece, and we thank you in advance for your support.

Munzee on!


Name: Diabetes Awareness Charity Special

Type: Temporary Virtual

On map from October 16th at 15:00 MHQ time through November 19th at 23:59 MHQ time

Available in Online Store until October 31st at 23:59 MHQ time

$2/each with a limit of 50


  • Deploy: 14
  • Capture: 14
  • CapOn: 10

Quick Deploy: Yes

Capture Radius: 300ft and Blastable

Proximity: 150ft from your own; 50ft from others’