Munzee Player of the Week: Wes Griffith (arts5)
As great as the Munzee game is, what makes us stand out are our players. Our players have formed a distinct community and built relationships through Munzee and we’re proud to bring the world together one cap at a time. This week’s Player of the Week first met fellow Munzee players in Franklin, TN where they’re known for their kindness (almost) as much as they are for their virtual gardens. Wes Griffith (arts5) may live in Ohio, but his interactions with Munzee players all over the world has made him an international hit! Read on to learn more about arts5.
Who are you?
I am arts5, real name Wes Griffith.
Where in the world do you live?
I live in Findlay, Ohio, USA.
How long have you played Munzee?
I have been a “playa” for a little over 2 years. Wished it was longer, because I want my early bird badge!
How did you find Munzee?
I was attending a special event at the Boonshoft Museum in Dayton, Ohio for the other game. After checking out all the GPS related coins, the maze, history of gps, etc inside, my wife and I went outside to cache. Someone asked me if I found the munzee and I said what the heck is a munzee!? They showed me the munzee inside the cache. I downloaded the app and captured my first munzee titled Boonshoft Munzee on August 25, 2012. I wasn’t too active until later when my brother got interested in the game. I’m a competitive person and had to crush him! LOL. But I don’t think I got totally addicted until Jason Brown (jarcc) and I drove down to Franklin, TN. We walked 30+ miles that whole weekend on about 5 hrs of sleep. I could barely walk anymore. We met Tammy Teel and Jay Piper. Talk about class! They were both very friendly and welcoming! I’ve been down there 2 more times since then. Last time we met Sheryl Crow at the little theater in downtown Franklin! I’ve been trying to convince my wife to move there ever since.
What do you enjoy most about Munzee?
I enjoy all the different things about the game. I like the badges. I like how competitive the clan wars are, whether you want to compete against other clans one-on-one for bragging rights or go for world domination that month for a bronze, silver, or gold medal.
I like how you can search for munzees in urban areas or take a nice peaceful stroll through the woods and cap too.
BUT the biggest thing about munzee is the people! Starting with Franklin, TN and beyond, I’ve met so many nice people. July 2014 when my clan The Plankers won gold, I had the pleasure of meeting Rod “Rodz” Howie from the UK. And at the MHQ Bash I met Griff (Georiffles) Halliwell and his wife Lesley, also from the Plankers and UK. Very very nice people!!! I wanted to take Lesley home with us, but Griff wouldn’t let me! LOL The last day of the MHQ Bash Douglas Lynch (5daughters) and his wife and daughters got me a birthday cake. Everyone sang happy birthday. It was a really, really nice day!!!
What is on your wish list?
I want badges for clan medals, since we don’t get medals anymore! A job at munzee would be cool. I seem to miss out on badges and specials that go on at events, so maybe something on the calendar to draw your attention to events that will have specials and badges. I would’ve gone to several of them if I had known.
Tell us about yourself!
I’m 41, married to a smokin-hot chick named Deanna, and we’ve got 2 cute girls. I like to joke around and have fun. I poke fun at myself and others all the time.
Other hobbies include:
I like to take the jeep out to hit the trails, we’ve been to several jeep jamborees with the Rubicon. I have the need for speed and love corvettes, so I like me some racing every now and then. I also love to express my 2nd amendment rights by target shooting. We like to go up in the mountains in our “top-secret bug out location” in TN and have fun and go boating on the lake. (I cannot tell you which lake! It’s a secret LOL). My wife and I are competitive into fitness. She runs marathons and I like to do competitive powerlifting. I’ve tore both of my shoulders doing that (rotator cuff and labrum), so I have been restricted from lifting for awhile, but those restrictions have been lifted recently! Woohoo!!! So I am very excited to start challenging myself again. Thank you to those for nominating me and thanks for the opportunity to play the game. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
ย arts5 was kind enough to share his social, so cap away!