February 2024 GOTM Winners

Munzee Gardeners, it’s time to reveal our Garden Of The Month winners! With a month filled with lovely submissions, get ready to swoon over our top picks as we showcase the cream of the crop. Remember, special badges await the green-thumbed organizers and players deployed in these winning gardens. Thank you for helping our map flourish!

A big Munzee congratulations to Bike Kolónka, designed by Kepke3 and CHIO-MVM-Garden (Wiederhergestellt), designed by Boston2005 and the Aix-La-Chappelle Clan, as our winning February GOTM!

Bike Kolónka by Kepke3 in Kolónia Hviezda Vrútky, Slovakia

 Pedal on to your next Munzee adventure!

CHIO-MVM-Garden (Wiederhergestellt) by Boston2005 and the Aix-La-Chappelle Clan in Aachen, Germany

Behold the gallant masterpiece of equestrian reign!

Special Badges for all players deployed within the winning GOTM :

If you’d like to nominate a Virtual Garden for GOTM or need help deploying in a Garden, you can check out the Munzee Help Guide to learn more! Stock up on Virtuals from the Freeze Tag Online Store to bring your garden visions to life!
