Archive for April, 2019

April 22, 2019

Earth Day Flash Sale and Planet Protection Tips!

Happy Earth Day from MHQ! To celebrate the day, we’re offering 22 percent off on all Earth Mystery Munzees for Earth Day, starting today at 15:00 MHQ time and lasting until 15:00 MHQ time tomorrow. You can stop by the Freeze Tag Online Store to shop this sale, and check out our Elemental Mystery Help Guide article for more information about Earth Mystery Munzees.

Last year, we had the pleasure of working with players to help plant 10,000 trees through the Earth Day Network‘s Canopy Project thanks to our Earth Day fundraiser! Players helped raise the money to accomplish this awesome feat through the sale of Earth Day Evolution Munzees and Earth Day personal tags. It was our pleasure to work with players to assist the goals of the Canopy Project, an organization that focuses on strengthening communities through tree planting.

With so many exciting projects in the works, we unfortunately didn’t have the time to plan any Earth Day fundraisers this year. However, we would still like to take the chance to share simple everyday ways you can improve and preserve our wonderful planet. Munzee is a real world scavenger hunt, and Freeze Tag places great value on preserving the outdoors and protecting the Earth. We love hearing about how eco-friendly so many of our players are, and we hope the following tips can help raise awareness about how to care for our planet!

20 Tips for Protecting the Planet: 

1. Follow in the footsteps of our Worldwide Events Manager Louise and bike more, drive less!

2. Cut down on meat and animal product intake. This doesn’t mean going vegetarian or vegan, just reducing the amount of animal products you consume. Try to have a weekly “vegetarian day” to dramatically reduce the amount of natural resources used to produce meat.

3. Reduce, reuse, recycle! This mantra should be a lifestyle. Be wary of the amount of waste you accumulate.

4. Plant a tree! This is a simple yet impactful way to improve the planet.

5. Purchase second hand items to reduce packing materials while also saving your money.

6. Be mindful of the products you use. Choose non-toxic chemicals so that you aren’t polluting the waterways.

7. Don’t waste paper products. Be conscious of how many tissues or napkins you take and how much paper towel and toilet paper you use. Only select as much as you need. Additionally, try to keep your business paperless and don’t waste notepads. Remember to recycle paper products.

8. Recycle your newspapers and junk mail. Rather than throw away unwanted or used paper items, such as newspapers and junkman, recycle them. You can also look into cancelling unwanted newspaper services and junk mail subscriptions.

9. Invest in energy efficient lightbulbs to cut down on greenhouse emissions, and be mindful of how many lights you leave on.

10. Be sensible about how you do your laundry. Consider using a clothesline to save power while drying your clothes. (This will also help them last longer!) Wait until your laundry is full to wash. Avoid doing half loads of laundry, and consider switching to a warm cycle rather than hot.

11. Be a smart shopper! Carry reusable bags wherever you go. Just say no to plastic.

12. Shower more, bathe less. Baths can be relaxing, but try to cut down on time spent in the tub since baths use approximately twice as much water as showers.

13. Conserve your water usage. The less water you use, the less wastewater will end up in the ocean.

14. Cut down on shower time. As little as two minutes of reduced shower time can make an enormous difference in water conservation.

15. Buy local produce when you are able to in order to cutdown on pollution that occurs when transporting goods long distance.

16. Get involved in community cleanups. Volunteer work is invaluable to Earth conservation.

17. Save your energy use (and cut down on your energy bill) by adjusting the temperature in your home and using a timer system for when you are out.

18. Use a travel mug for your daily beverage. This is an easy way to cut down on waste every day.

19. Pay your bills online to reduce the amount of paper waste you acquire. You can also cancel your paper bank statements and work on staying digital.

20. Educate those around you in a friendly manner. Help them understand why it’s important to value natural resources and how they can do so.

Thanks to National Ocean Service and 50 Ways to Help for helping us compile these important tips!

Happy Earth Day, and Munzee on!

April 19, 2019

Booster Credit and QRew Updates!

A new Munzee app update has just been released, featuring new capabilities for Booster Credits and QRew! This over the air update is now live, so check it out!

Booster Credits

Since our Urban Fit Munzee launched three weeks ago, players have been earning special Physical Deploy Booster Credits each time they cap/deploy 15 Urban Fit Munzees within a MHQ 24-hour day. While these credits have been available to be earned, they have not been able to be used. Today we are happy to announce the much-anticipated Booster Credit update that enables players to put their hard-earned credits to use!

That’s right, you are able to become Positively Charged at a time of your own choosing! To learn how to use the Booster Credit, we put together the helpful video below. For all information about Munzee Booster Credits, you can also check out our Booster Credit Help Guide article.

To activate a Booster Credit, first go to your player profile. You will find your available Booster Credits under the “Inventory” tab. Click on the Booster Credit you would like to use. Whenever you’re ready, click the “Activate” button to start.

We understand how valuable map space is, so if you’d prefer to hide the Booster timer you can do so on the Booster Credit page. To hide the timer, simply click on the icon to go back to the Booster Credit page, and toggle the switch to remove the timer from the map. Keep in mind that you can always show the timer again by going back to the Booster Credits page through the Inventory section in the Profile. The page will also show you how many credits you have in stock.

As a reminder, the Physical Deploy Booster Credit allows you to become “positively charged” and receive double points on all physical deploys for the next 120 minutes. That includes ALL types of physical munzees, PLUS you get to choose when to activate the Physical Deploy Booster! This special feature will allow you to time the perfect deploy streak to really multiply your points. AND…as of right now, Hadavale captures will give a booster credit instead of instantly making your account become positively charged!

There’s nothing like a double points opportunity to kickstart a happy weekend! You also might notice that some new types of Booster Credits are coming soon… so keep patient!


The latest update also gives players who have earned the QRew title the ability to replace munzees. To avoid confusion, QRew titles have been updated for clarity. A mini-map has also been added to the compass screen, which only displays the munzee you currently have selected.

We hope all of these updates are met with player satisfaction! We are constantly working on advancing the game to make it as fun and up to date as possible. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements! There are lots of exciting projects on the horizon that we can’t wait to share!

Munzee on!

April 19, 2019

May 2019 Flat Schedules Are Here!

Update: All Flat Friends will be on the map for Geowoodstock from May 24 at 00:01 MHQ time until May 27 at 23:59 MHQ time.

Update: All Flat Friends will be worth DOUBLE points on May 25 in honor of (Flat) Matt’s 5 year Munzee anniversary and to celebrate GeoWoodstock! Enjoy 🙂

Can you believe that we are already heading into May?! My, how the time flies when you’re busy capping! And if you’re looking for some new caps next month, you’re in luck, because the May Flat Friends schedule is ready to go!

Flat Matt

  • Wednesday, May 1st at 00:01 MHQ time until 23:59 MHQ time
  • Friday, May 3rd at 00:01 MHQ time through Sunday, May 5th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Friday, May 10th at 00:01 MHQ time through Saturday, May 11th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Friday, May 17th at 00:01 MHQ time through Wednesday, May 22nd at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Thursday, May 30th at 00:01 MHQ time through Friday, May 31st at 23:59 MHQ time

Flat Lou

  • Wednesday, May 1st at 00:01 MHQ time through Tuesday, May 7th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Thursday, May 16th at 00:01 MHQ time through Monday, May 20th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Thursday, May 30th at 00:01 MHQ time through Friday, May 31st at 23:59 MHQ time

Flat Hammock

  • Wednesday, May 1st at 00:01 MHQ time through Friday, May 3rd at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Monday, May 6th at 00:01 MHQ time through Friday, May 10th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Monday, May 13th at 00:01 MHQ time through Saturday, May 18th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Monday, May 20th at 00:01 MHQ time through Friday, May 24th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Monday, May 27th at 00:01 MHQ time through Friday, May 31st at 23:59 MHQ time

Flat Rob

  • Friday, May 3rd at 00:01 MHQ time through Sunday, May 5th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Sunday, May 12th at 00:01 MHQ time through Monday, May 13th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Thursday, May 16th at 00:01 MHQ time through Sunday, May 19th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Wednesday, May 22nd at 00:01 MHQ time through Sunday, May 26th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Thursday, May 30th at 00:01 MHQ time through Friday, May 31st at 23:59 MHQ time

Munzee on!

April 18, 2019

Munzee Updates! New Motel Icon, Store Sale, & Easter Personal Tag

Happy Thursday from MHQ! We have several general updates to share, starting with our brand new Munzee Motel icon artwork. Our updated Motel icon will now appear as follows:

This new redesign better aligns with the other Destination Munzees, so we hope this new eye-catching design will help you check-in more frequently! To celebrate the new icon, we are holding a “Renovation Sale” in the Freeze Tag Online Store for our Munzee Motels, Munzee Hotels, and Munzee Timeshares. (It’s now more convenient than ever to book one of them for your next vacation!) The credits for these munzees will be 20% off, while all Hotel stickers will be 40% off starting at 15:00 MHQ time today and lasting until Monday (4/22) at 10:00 MHQ time. Shop our Physical Destinations collection for easy sale access! Virtual Resorts are not currently discounted, but you can pick those up HERE as well.

And that’s not all! In the spirit of ZEEster, our Easter Personal tags will also be available for purchase from the Freeze Tag Online Store today at 15:00 MHQ time. The tag’s adorable Hatched ZEEster Egg artwork will appear as follows:

Will the ZEEster Bunny be hopping by your house this year? He just might if there are enough munzees in the area to cap!

Munzee on!

April 17, 2019

Munzee Mistakes: 10 Tips and Tricks for New Players

Welcome to Munzee! Munzee is a complex game, and to make it easier for both new and old players, we have been sharing tips every week on social media with the help of player suggestions. Whether this is your first day or fourth year playing, it’s always helpful to connect with other players in order to hone your hunting skills. 

If you’re in need of some helpful hints, we have compiled together our social media tips that we have been sharing weekly. Consider these tips while playing to avoid the most common Munzee mistakes! If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, these tips might look familiar. 

Tip #1: Use your filters! Make it easier to find specific munzee types by turning different filters off and on! Don’t forget that you can unlock even more filters with a Premium Membership.

Tip #2: Read the notes on munzees. Look under “details” to discover helpful hints that offer tips on where to look. When deploying a munzee at a location that is not obvious, be sure to add descriptive notes. They are always appreciated by players!

Tip #3: When deploying physical munzees, scan the munzee sticker in your hand first, then stick it. This will avoid any issues with attempting to deploy too close to another munzee, so you won’t have to peel off a sticker and relocate it! Once you’ve added the name and description to your deploy, you can re-scan the sticker to verify that it can be capped easily. (Tip courtesy of WiseOldWizard.)

Tip #4: When you first start playing Munzee, try to get the hard to earn badges first, such as the Pi Badges which require an exact number of points capped in a day. Once you start Deploying and earning CapOn points, some badges can be extremely tricky to get. (Tip courtesy of valmie.)

Tip #5: Buying a Premium Membership is worth the extra cost, as you are able to see more of the map area and be more selective with filters if you are in a munzee dense area and only looking for certain types to cap. It also helps because you can choose to not see munzees you’ve already capped or deployed. (Tip courtesy of bumpy.)

Tip #6: Leave some of your neighborhood blank – you never know what new types of munzees MHQ has up their sleeve. You don‘t want to not be able to deploy at least one nearby to keep your neighborhood interesting! (Tip courtesy of granitente.)

Tip #7: For a unique and adventurous Munzee experience, use tree tags to grow the game into the wild. When created with quality materials and deployed correctly, tree tags will likely last longer than stickers on light poles and signs. And you get to hike and enjoy nature while deploying and capping! (Tip courtesy of semipaw.)

Tip #8: Always keep two or three stickers between your phone and the phone case for those emergency replacements. (And to play it extra safe, don’t leave home without a portable phone charger!) (Tip courtesy of wazong.)

Tip #9: Remember that just because you CAN place a physical Munzee somewhere doesn’t mean you should. Consider dangers like traffic and terrain when placing that strategic sticker. Munzees placed in private courtyards and compounds not open to the public will see little action. Finally, remember the forbidden places in the Player Code of Conduct! (Tip courtesy of The8re)

Tip #10: Don’t cap everything at once! If you are doing Clan Wars, you may need to save certain caps in your town for future months. It can be overwhelming, but go slow and steady. Leaving munzees uncapped will also help with maintaining streaks during dry periods. (Tip courtesy of Sprinkman)

Bonus Tip: There are three kinds of bouncers: POBs (Player Owned Bouncers), MOBs (Munzee Owner Bouncers), and TOBs (Team Owned Bouncers.) The distinction is very important for Clan Wars. Attached are a sampling of some MOBs, TOBs, and POBs. You can also read a full listing of all MOBs, POBs, and TOBs here! (Tip courtney of aturner0010)

Do you have any tips to share? E-mail us at! You can also check out our past blogs about 25 master tips, 20 capping tips, 20 deploy tips, and 10 tips for new players. For more tips, be sure to check the blog daily for updates! 

A big thanks to all who shared tips, and if you’re a new player, welcome to the Munzee family! As you can see, this is an interactive community in which players help each other master the art of Munzee. We’ve also been updating the Munzee Help Manual, which will feature all of these tips and tricks as well as a comprehensive breakdown of many aspects of gameplay.

Munzee on!

April 16, 2019

Holiday Goodies are on the Horizon with ZEEster Eggs!

Update: All ZEEster Eggs and Hatched Eggs count as MOBs (Munzee Owned Bouncers.) 

Will the Easter Bunny be hopping to your house this year? Even if you’re not expecting a visit from this furry friend, you can still fill up your Easter basket with plenty of treats. However, these goodies aren’t of the edible variety— but that doesn’t mean that they won’t satisfy! The Munzee ZEEster Eggs will launch on April 17 at 00:01 MHQ time and stay on the map until April 28 at 22:22 MHQ time for quadruple the holiday fun!

ZEEster Eggs

How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled? Over easy? With a side of points? (We’ll have the last option!) The ZEEster Eggs will introduce four new Munzee specials to the game, including the physical Blue Egg, Red Egg, and Yellow Egg, as well as the virtual White Egg. Worried about being able to cap one? All four Eggs can be magnetized. Be sure to pick up your Virtual Magnets and Physical Magnets from the Freeze Tag Online Store to increase your capping chances!

The ZEEster Egg specials will hit the map April 17 at midnight MHQ time and enjoy a comfortable run until April 28. In that time span, the Eggs will bounce around every 6 hours or when captured. There will be a set number of each Egg landing on the map, with 419 White Eggs, 140 of both Blue and Red eggs, and 139 Yellow Eggs.

The Eggs will not be blastable, but you CAN capture on your “owned” munzees or any previously capped munzee. You can access this special under the Premium “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Edition Specials” filters. The physical and virtual specials will land on greenies and all color virtuals, respectively.


  • White Egg: split 60 points with a minimum of 15 for Capture and Host PLUS receive 1 PinPoint (What’s that?!)
  • Blue/Red/Yellow Egg: split 75 points with a minimum of 17 for Capture and Host PLUS receive 1 PinPoint
  • Hatched Eggs (all colors): Cap 100 points PLUS receive 5 PinPoints, No CapOn points

Hatched Eggs

Wait, did the points include Hatched Eggs?! We almost forgot to mention, there is a fair chance that capturing a ZEEster Egg will lead to a Scatter in the form of Hatched Eggs!

There is a chance upon capturing a physical Egg or a virtual Egg that a Hatched Egg will be caused to scatter. Capturing the White Egg has the possibility for a Hatched White Egg to scatter within 2,000 feet as a new virtual, similar to how the Feather Munzee works. Upon capturing one of the physical Eggs, the corresponding Red/Blue/Yellow Hatched Egg has the chance to scatter within 1,400 feet as a new virtual. The capture radius will be 300 feet for the Hatched Egg scatters. They will not be blastable OR have magnet attraction.


  • Hatched Eggs (all colors): Cap 100 points PLUS receive 5 PinPoints, No CapOn points


That’s not all the fun to be had! In addition to our ZEEster Eggs and Hatched Eggs, there will also be a line of badges associated with the specials. Be sure to capture lots of different combinations of both Egg and Hatched Egg colors, because there are a total of five badges you can earn! Since we’re celebrating a holiday, we’ll give you a sneak peak of the first badge in the series below:

The ZEEster Bunny– Capture 1 ZEEster Egg Special of any kind.

Remember, April is all about fitness, so lace up your shoes and get out there for some hunting! Hopefully our latest specials will give you that extra initiative to get moving. Are you ready to have some early Easter fun?

Happy Hunting (and Happy Holidays!) and Munzee on!

P.S. Thanks to Robbie and the WallaBee team for sharing more amazing art and putting a Munzee spin on it for these specials!

April 16, 2019

Recycling Program Revamped with QRew and QRewzee Launches!

Article has been updated. 

Many Munzee players are already familiar with ZeeQRew, an elite program that is composed of players who have shown a dedication to growing the game of Munzee. They also replace missing munzees in order to assist in gameplay upkeep. In line with our active initiative, we are excited to announce a new type of Munzee to replace the old recycling program, as well as a new team of helpful players. It’s time to welcome the launch of the QRewzee Munzee and the addition of the brand new QRew team to the game!


With the game growing every day, we decided that even a crew as talented as ZeeQRew could use some extra cleanup help. That’s where QRew comes into play, a brand new title and duty that some of you might have already seen assigned to your game profiles. This new group of players can be thought of as “ZeeQRew Jr.” It’s an introductory level for those of you that are still working to achieve full ZeeQRew status.

Just like ZeeQRew has its own list of requirements, there are specific requirements for joining QRew. In order to become a member of QRew, you have to be a Premium MemberThe additional requirements for making QRew are as follows:

  • Have at least 100 deploys of any type AND
  • Have at least 1,000 captures of any type AND
  • Have at least 1 cap and 1 deploy in the last 14 days

If you are one of the players who is currently eligible for QRew, you will notice a new title on your profile! Exactly like ZeeQRew, QRew status is earned or revoked at 00:01 MHQ time on the 1st and 15th of each month if requirements are met.

If the requirements are met on these dates, the player will earn or retain the ZeeQRew or QRew title. If the requirements are not met, the title will be removed from any current ZeeQRew or QRew players, BUT it may be re-earned at the next checkpoint. Keep in mind that since the QRew requirements are not as steep as ZeeQRew, it’s also possible for a player to grow from QRew to ZeeQRew. However, if you lose ZeeQRew you are nothing (but you have the chance to regain your status)!

The rewards for QRew are as follows:

  • QRew title in app & online
  • The ability to replace any physical Munzee, regardless of owner, using a generic sticker*

Although the title has already been awarded, the ability for QRew members to replace munzees will be available in a V4 app update coming very soon! There will be no badge, discount, or unique merchandise associated with QRew. Players must continue to grow and become ZeeQRew to earn added rewards. However, QRew isn’t the only update to the former Munzee recycling program…


Along with the launch of QRew, we are happy to announce a new type of munzee to replace the former Recycle Munzee. All QRew and ZeeQRew members will see this icon on the map for the following physical Munzee types which have had no activity on them in the last 365 days. These munzees include:

  • All Physical Jewels
  • Physical Clan Weapons
  • Greenies
  • Regular (Blue) Mysteries and Physical Elemental Mysteries including Fire, Earth, Water, and Ice
  • Premium Munzees
  • Seasonal
  • Shamrock
  • All RUMs including Treasure Chest evolution
  • Zodiac (original not including Chinese Zodiac)

The new icons will only appear on designated QRewsdays. Each month a schedule will be announced to designate when QRewsdays will occur, similar to how our monthly Flat Friends schedules work**. Capture of the QRewzee Munzee will award 100 points and the icon. There will be 10 CapOn points. You CAN capture a QRewzee Munzee on your own munzee or a previously captured munzee.


  • Capture: 100 points
  • CapOn: 10 points

To see the QRewzee Munzees, look on the physical “Others” filter and the new QRewzee filter under premium options to “Only show these types.” Please note that players will only be able to specifically filter QRewzees in v4 of the Munzee app.

There will also be a line of hidden badges associated with capture of the QRewzee Munzees. The first in the series will appear as follows:

QRew Your Part!- Capture 1 QRewzee Munzee

Without the diligence of our elite group of players, Munzee wouldn’t be the same! Thanks to all ZeeQRew members for their past gameplay upkeep and hope the new QRewzee points will be an incentive to keep it up. We appreciate all players that take the time and opportunity to grow the map and make Munzee better for all! We are excited to launch QRew and see more players get involved in upkeep and maintenance!

Munzee on!

**April QRewsdays will be:

April 16 – 10:00 to April 18 – 23:59
April 21 – 00:01 to April 24 – 23:59
April 26 – 00:01 to April 29 – 23:59

April 13, 2019

Prepare Your Appetites for Thailand Global Grub!

สุขสันต์วันสงกรานต์! Today marks the first day of Songkran, the Thai New Year’s national holiday! The next few days will be filled with festivals and festivities, so we thought it was only appropriate to join in the celebration with the launch of our Thailand Global Grub today at 15:00 MHQ time!

Thailand will be joining a variety of other countries, such as Japan, Greece, and China, as our latest Global Grub item to hit the map. The Thailand Global Grub will be a physical munzee, with four Thailand Global Grubs hitting the map in order to celebrate Songkran. The Global Grub items will bounce to Greenies every 12 hours or when captured.


  • Cap: 200
  • CapOn (Host): 100

Have you capped a Global Grub Munzee yet? When a Global Grub is capped, the player will earn a special badge containing a unique dish of food from the country on the flag pin. Capturing the Thailand Global Grub will earn you this delicious, piping-hot badge:

There’s nothing like a steaming bowl of Tom Yam Goon to warm you up during a day of celebration. You can celebrate the festivities from home with a Tom Yam Goon recipe. This delicious soup is composed of shrimp stock, shrimp, lemongrass, Thai chilies, lime juice, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves, and a number of other goodies. These delicious ingredients simmer together to form the perfect bowl of hot and sour soup!

Remember that all Global Grub items will be leaving the map on 12/31/2019 at 23:59 MHQ time. You will have until then to try your luck capturing these very rare specials, which will be bouncing all around the world. We will be putting out an overall capture line in the future, so stay tuned for more exciting Global Grub news!

Sawasdee Wan Songkran!

Munzee On!

April 11, 2019

Munzee Mistakes: 25 General Tips and Helpful Hints

The Munzee community has banded together to bring us 20 capping tips, 20 deploy tips, and last week’s 10 tips for new players. To continue our journey of making Munzee more accessible for our many new players, this week we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of general tips and tricks sent in by some of Munzee’s dedicated players!

Are you a brand new player? Are you a dedicated player browsing the list to learn some new wisdom? (Are you an absolute expert seeing if your tip is featured? ?) No matter your level of gameplay, there is always something new you can learn since we’re always mixing things up to introduce new adventures, excitement, and specials to everyone’s favorite real world scavenger hunt!

Here is some general gameplay advice offered by fellow players:

Tip #1: Help fellow players complete Virtual Gardens and Trail Munzees. It helps everyone! (Elisa Angel Reynozo) #GrowTheMap

Tip #2: Always check your filters to make sure you’re not missing anything. (dap217)

Tip #3: Definitely learn how to use the filters to get the best experience. You will need to become a Premium Member to get the better filter range. (mikedee)

Tip #4: Become a Premium Member. The ability to use filters is incredibly helpful. In an instant you can filter out and see hotels/resorts that have rooms. You can filter and see JUST where Mythological Munzees are located near you. Being a Premium Member allows you to do this! (MRSG9064)

Tip #5: When you become a Premium Member, spend some time looking at Statzee. (This is the home of munzee statistics!) There is an amazing amount you can learn by looking at this information closely. (Bungle)

Tip #6: Sign up for monthly MunzPak subscriptions! I love getting my Physical Pak every month, as it gets me out and about in my area! Points makes badges! (Jemma Jones-Hayes)

Tip #7: Go to an event and make lots of new friends! (See the Munzee Events Calendar HERE!) They will be willing to help you with all the questions you have. Remember, no question is too daft (silly) to ask! (Anwsmum)

Tip #8: Go to an Event in the neighbourhood. You are able to meet more experienced players who can give you all kinds of tips. You might even be able to go and Munzee with them to see how they approach things. (Feikjen)

Tip #9: Get in a WhatsApp, Facebook, or online community to share Munzee stuff and just chat amongst each other. Communicating with fellow players is a great way to keep up to date with Munzee and get to know other players. (Human01d)

Tip #10: Watch Facebook, Twitter, and Munzee Blog posts for Munzee Announcements. New Munzee types may mean you need to check your Physical or Virtual FILTERS to see everything. (KernKlan)

Tip #11: If you’re unsure of what a sticker is coded as, test scan it, and then write on the back of the sticker so you don’t forget! (Liam Kearns)

Tip #12: When you’ve completed the new player tutorial, go back and scan that referral code that led you to the game! (Penfold49)

Tip #13: When you are starting out with a fresh area, deploy a “Myth Farm”, a block of Shamrock munzees, a block of Water Mystery munzees, a block of Ice Mystery munzees. That way, you will always have several Myth munzees showing up every day. (MythBait)

Tip #14: When deploying, mix it up a little. A field of Greenies will be more likely to attract players if you add some specials in there. A few jewels, weapons, Destination munzees, and scattering types (Ice Mystery, Fire Mystery, etc.) can help draw a player in. (Jellybean88)

Tip #15: It will take a while and effort, but having ZeeQRew makes capping better, and you won’t miss specials. (GeoTracker7)

Tip #16: If you buy a Personal Munzee, make sure you scan it first to deploy it before letting others scan it! Otherwise, they own it. (Linda Shoemaker)

Tip #17: For deploy requirements, don’t forget that if you cap a Destination munzee (Hotel/Motel/Virtual Resort/Timeshare) that has a vacancy, the room you get counts as a deploy. (Bennycams)

Tip #18: Hold down the “my location button” and it will follow as you walk/drive. (Connor Brown)

Tip #19: For extra fun when deploying physicals, have three Munzee players deploying every 50 feet to make a great Munzee physical power trail! (earthangel)

Tip #20: In cities or areas where walking can be difficult, think about places where a future capper can park. It’s easier to cap when you can park legally and only have a short walk. (Kpr1000)

Tip #21: Think of the long haul. Build your home map to bring the CapOns to you— they will come if you build it well enough! (FrankBroughton)

Tip #22: Along with setting filters, research the area before trips so you don’t get sidetracked and miss the munzees you traveled for by capping everything in sight. (rufnredy)

Tip #23: Name your Virtual Resorts before you ever deploy them. (denali0407)

Tip #24: Deploy as you travel. Name them after the place you’re at. (Pyro1970)

Tip #25: Always take a few munzees along on your trips, and deploy everywhere you go! (Loxmudprincess)

As always, feel free to share these posts with new referrals! (And don’t forget to share your referral code!) If this is your first time reading a blog post, welcome to Munzee! There is much to learn, but so many players who are happy to help!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay up to date with all things Munzee. We’ve also been updating the Munzee Help Manual, which will feature all of these tips and tricks as well as a comprehensive breakdown of many aspects of gameplay. (Currently in progress!)

Lastly, a big thank you to all in the Munzee community who shared their tips!

Munzee on!

April 10, 2019

Update! Swap-Ability Made Available for Certain Physicals!

Do you have an overwhelming amount of munzee credits? What if you had the ability to use a credit to “swap” or “replace from a distance” certain munzees? What if this was no longer a “what if” question, but a reality? Well, starting today at 15:00 MHQ time, you will indeed have the opportunity to swap a number of currently deployed physical munzees with a credit you already have!

Before we explain, let’s tell you WHY for those who don’t like to read to the bottom of blog posts! 😉

  • Refresh the physical map in any area you choose without needing to archive first and wait 7 days
  • Use credits you have accumulated but don’t have a good use for
  • Earn a new deploy for the day
  • Earn more captures from the locals in any area you refresh (there will be much rejoicing!)
  • Keep the CapOns flowing in places with large groups of regular players

And now the details for those who care to read on (we recommend you do). Any currently deployed physical munzee of the types below, that already contain a generic code, will now be swappable! There are two options for swapping a munzee: swapping like for like or choosing between a field of options. The ability has been indicated below. As always, you can shop for all of your Munzee needs at the Freeze Tag Online Store. Just remember that what’s in stock is constantly rotating, but to make things easy, you can access the available “Swap-Ability Collection” here!

Ability to Swap Like for Like:

  • Motel Munzee  (only able to swap a new Destination credit)
  • Hotel Munzee  (only able to swap a new Hotel credit)

This means that you are able to swap out any currently deployed physical Motel Munzee with a brand new Motel Munzee credit, or any currently deployed physical Hotel Munzee with a brand new Hotel Munzee credit. You can shop the Destination Munzee collection to pick up Motel and Hotel credits as needed.

Ability to Swap Within List:

This means that players can swap any currently deployed physical munzee on the list with any one of the physical munzee options on the list. For example, you can swap a currently deployed Briefcase Munzee with a new Scatter Munzee credit or any existing Jewel Munzee with any Clan Weapon Munzee credit. A mace for a diamond, an RPS becomes a premium, a ruby for a Hammer, etc.! The choice is yours!

How to Swap

This new feature for certain physical munzees is available online only. Only munzees with a generic code can be swapped. The first thing you will need to do to swap out physical munzees is to log into your munzee account.

One you’ve logged in, select the “Deployed” button/tab.

This will bring you to a list of all the munzees that you have deployed. Select which munzee you wish to swap out by clicking on the munzee name. Maybe even use the “filter by type” option to select a munzee type that qualifies for the swap.

Once you click on the munzee, you will be presented with the following options. In order to swap out your physical munzees, select the “Edit Munzee” option.

Under the section “Replace Missing Munzee,” you will notice a new option to “Swap Out Munzee.” Selecting this option will allow you to choose which type of munzee you will be swapping to.

You can then select which type of munzee you wish to swap for. The available options have been indicated earlier in this blog post. Keep in mind that Hotels and Motels can only be swapped like for like.

Be sure to verify which munzees you want to swap. Confirming the swap will archive the original munzee* and deploy a brand new munzee of the type you have selected. The new munzee will have the same name and notes so update those if necessary.

Why Swap?

Currently players are already able to make certain virtual swaps. Many virtual types can be swapped, with the exception of Resort Munzees, Virtual Emerald Munzees, Virtual Trail Munzees, Air Mystery Munzees, and Temporary Virtual Munzees. That means that the following virtual munzees can be swapped.

  • Amethyst Munzees
  • Sapphire Munzees
  • Virtual Munzees
  • Surprise Munzees
  • All Flats Munzees
  • Crossbow Munzees
  • Catapult Munzees
  • Night Vision Goggles Munzees

This brand new “swap-ability” feature for certain physicals allows players to do several things which we think:

  • Refresh the physical map in any area you choose without needing to archive first and wait 7 days
  • Use credits you have accumulated but don’t have a good use for
  • Earn a new deploy for the day
  • Earn more captures from the locals in any area you refresh (there will be much rejoicing!)
  • Keep the CapOns flowing in places with large groups of regular players

What do you think of this latest gameplay ability? Do you already have some munzee swaps in mind? Interested in an example from Rob’s account? You can see he updated the notes to remember the previous deploy.

Get creative, and Munzee on!

*Any munzee archived via the Swap feature will not lose points or deploy day credit (for streak purposes) UNLESS it has 0 caps.