Posts Tagged ‘tourism’

October 23, 2019

Spooky Season is in Full Swing With Monster Nomads and Monzter Mash Week!

Why is a skeleton so mean? He doesn’t have a heart! Luckily we do, which is why we’re celebrating Halloween the right way with our brand new Monster Nomads launching tomorrow at 00:01 MHQ time! Are you ready to hear all the terrifyingly awesome details?

Monster Nomad MOBs

Our latest specials will run from 00:01 MHQ time on October 24 through 23:59 MHQ time on November 3. The Monster Nomads will feature 3 physical MOBs that land on Greenies and Premium Munzees. They will bounce around every 6 hours or when captured. The Mummy Mitt, Werewolf Paw, and Frankenstein Fingers will all be attracted to Munzee Magnets on Greenies to increase your chances of capping these high-point munzees.

  • 666 points to both Capture and Host

There will be 30 specials total, aka 10 of each type. You can access these rare specials under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Edition Specials” filters.

Badges & Personal

Monster hunting is no easy work, which means that it only seems fitting to award players with badges for their efforts. There will be 2 badges you can earn based on Monster Nomad captures. The first in the series will appear as follows:

Haunted Hitchhiker– Capture one Monster Nomad special of any type.

Is Halloween your favorite time of the year? Do you love everything about spooky season? Well we have just the Personal tag for you! You can shop our Monster Nomad Personal from the Freeze Tag Online Store for an extra dose of all things Halloween!

Monster Nomad Personal 

Double Points Opportunity!

Think you can handle a little bit more scary good information? There will be double points on ALL activity on a handful of “Scary Bouncers” during Monzter Mash Week! Additionally, all Nomads will be double points from 00:01 MHQ time on October 25 through 23:59 MHQ time on October 31. There will also be two limited time badges you can earn during this time frame! Please keep in mind that Monster Nomads will not be included in the double points and do not count toward the limited time badges.

The double points Nomads and scary bouncers are as follows:


  • Physical Nomad
  • Virtual Nomad
  • Mystery Nomad
  • Jewel Thief Nomad
  • Bellhop Nomad
  • Pirate Nomad
  • Warrior Nomad
  • Travel Nomad
  • Seasonal Nomad
  • Flat Nomad
  • Coupe Champion Nomad


  • POBs
    • Goblin Leprechaun
    • Wyvern Dragon
    • Lycanthrope Yeti
    • Reptoid Yeti
    • Krampus Faun
    • Banshee
    • Pimedus
  • TOBs
    • Gorgon
    • Siren
    • Hadavale

PLUS, you’ll have the opportunity to earn two brand new limited time badges through this weekend! These badges can only be earned from 00:01 on 10/25/2019 until 23:59 MHQ on 10/31/2019, so you better plan your caps wisely! Please note that these badges can only be earned by capping the Scary Bouncers listed above. Nomads and Monster Nomads will not count toward these badges.

The first badge in the series will appear as follows:

Eerie Eaters- Capture one “Scary Bouncer” of any type from October 25- 31, 2019.

Ready for some spooky fun?

Ghoul’d luck hunting, and Munzee on!

October 16, 2019

Vacation Condos Mean There’s a New Destination Munzee in Town!

Planning on taking any trips? Luckily there is a new place for you to book your stay! Our latest Destination Munzee is here to offer available rooms to players, so please welcome the Vacation Condo Munzee to the map today at 10:00 MHQ time! You can pick up the Vacation Condo Munzee from the Freeze Tag Online Store for $5 each. There is NO limit on purchase quantity per player. We’ve also removed the monthly limits on resort purchases as of now. You can shop the entire Destination Collection HERE!

The Vacation Condo Munzee will be joining the Motel, Hotel, virtual Resort, and Timeshare as the latest Destination Munzee.  For those that don’t know, in the US and Canada a condominium (condo for short) is an independently sellable living space that is otherwise similar to an apartment building. The difference is condominiums can be leased for shorter terms and are often used as vacation or rental properties. Like its predecessors, the virtual Vacation Condo will be a more complex Munzee type that offers the benefits of multiple munzees in one location without additional stickers by allowing players to “rent” out available “rooms.” Ready to hear about the Vacation Condo details?

Vacation Condo Details

The virtual item will appear as coral colored (above left) for the primary icon and mint colored (above right) for the room icon. This new Munzee type is like a mix of the Timeshare Munzee and Virtual Resort Munzee. This virtual features 5 rooms, so the first 5 players to cap the Vacation Condo get a room deployed*. Here’s the kicker though, rooms only stay deployed for 30 days.

At the end of 30 days the rented room is archived and a new room is then available for the first player to cap the Vacation Condo. This new room will be available for any player, including the person who just had their room archived, which means after 30 days you can recap to earn another room! This becomes an endless capping and deploying option as you travel, or within your hometown.

Proximity: A Vacation Condo must be at least 2,500 feet (762 meters) away from any other Vacation Condos and 500 feet (152.4 meters) away from Virtual Resort Munzees.

Rooms: There are 5 rooms available in the Vacation Condo. After 30 days a rented room will be archived and a new room will become available.

Deploy: 100 points, 10 points for room owner

Capture Radius: 500 feet (same as Resort), not blastable

Capture: 40 points, then 20 points per room rented (a full condo = 140 points)

CapOn: 80 points for Vacation Condo owner, 40 points per owner of a room.

Please keep in mind that the Vacation Condo must be deployed in-app and you must be at the location you want it to be deployed. It cannot be deployed online. To access the Vacation Condo, turn on your “Virtual – Destination” filter or select the “Premium – All Vacant Rooms” filter. For more information on how to deploy a Vacation Condo (or Virtual Resort), you can check out our Help Guide article

Destination Points Updates

The launch of the Vacation Condo today at 10:00 MHQ time also corresponds with a point update for ALL physical Destination Munzees! The point values for the Motel, Hotel, and Timeshare will all be doubled, while the points for virtual Resorts will remain the same. If you’re interested in earning these new deploy points, don’t forget about the SWAP feature on your OLD motels and hotels! That means tons of Clan Wars points for swapping, since this creates a NEW deploy!

The points for Motels will now be updated as follows:

  • Capture: 20 points per Motel, 20 points per room
  • CapOn for the owner: 10 points per room filled + 10 points for Motel, 100 points if full
  • CapOn for room owner: 50 – 10 depending on which room is owned. Here is some detailed math if you are interested. ((# of rooms filled + 1) – (room number)) x 10
  • Deploy: Motel 100 points, Room- 50 points

The points for Hotels will now be updated as follows:

  • Capture: 40 points per Hotel, 16 points per room
  • CapOn for the owner: 10 points per room filled + 10 points for Hotel, 150 points if full
  • CapOn for room owner: 100 – 10 depending on which room is owned. Here is some detailed math if you are interested. ((# of rooms filled + 1) – (room number)) x 10
  • Deploy: Hotel 150 points, Room- 100 points

The points for Timeshares will now be updated as follows:

  • Capture: 50 points for Timeshare, 25 points per room
  • CapOn: 100 points for Timeshare owner, 40 points for the owner of a room
  • Deploy: Timeshare 100 points, 10 deploy points for room owner when a room is deployed

The points for Resorts will remain the same: 

  • Capture: 15 points per Resort, 5 points per room — Total ranges from 15 points (no rooms filled yet) to 90 (all 15 rooms filled)
  • CapOn for the owner: 3 points per room filled + 3 points for Resort, 50 points if full
  • CapOn for room owner: 45 – 3 depending on which room is owned. Here is some detailed math if you are interested. ((# of rooms filled + 1) – (room number)) x 3
  • Deploy: 50 points


Lastly, the Vacation Condo Munzees will have their own line of badges that will be added to the Destination Munzee category. You will be able to earn badges for both capture and deploy for a total of 6 new badges! The first badge in both the capture and deploy lines will appear as follows:

Destination Designs

Once you have your Destination booked, you’ve got to travel in style! We have a new line of Personal Tags and Custom Luggage Tags featuring the different Destination Munzee types. You can find these in the Freeze Tag Online Store as well, but quantities are limited! Please note that the luggage tags do not come with a personal code on them, but instead feature your name and address. These details will be pulled directly from your shipping address in the order details.

Ready to rent some rooms or book your next 30 day stay? We’re so excited to see where everyone starts deploying their new Vacation Condos. A big thank you for helping grow the map in new and unique ways!

Munzee on!

*Please note that the advanced deploy circles on the website are not currently available for the Vacation Condo, but will be soon. We appreciate your patience.