Posts Tagged ‘SRC’

March 17, 2022

NEW Cyclops Skin in the Redeem Store!

We love to know that our players make the effort to pick up trash around their local areas and dispose of them properly as they #MunzeeOn! To honor that practice, we’ve created a new skin just in time for Global Recycling Day! This skin would also be perfect to see on the map on Earth Day next month.

Recyclops Skin

It is available in the Redeem Store in the [Sham Rocks Surprise] tab, also for 25 SRC. Like the Sham Rock n Rolla, it will remain available through 02:30 MHQ on Sunday, April 3rd (the expiration date we had set for Sham Rock Credits).

Landing Pads

If you don’t already own the base Myth, but are still interested in using this skin, here is the link to shop: Cyclops. Keep in mind that the base Myth will also need to be upgraded in order to use the skin. If you haven’t upgraded your base Myth yet, you can purchase a Bouncer Upgrade Credit.

For more information on Skins, you can check out our Help Guide articles HERE and HERE.

Sham Rocks Week 3

As usual, the most up-to-date list of what’s available will be what you see on, where the [Sham Rocks (Week X)] tab swaps out on 12:00 MHQ every Thursday. So make sure to spend your credits each week!

Here is what we have in the Week 3 tab:

Quantity Item Sham Rock Cost Limit
1 Lucky Charm Greeting Card 3 SRC 1 per player
1 Good Luck Greeting Card 2 SRC 5 per player
1 Wish I Was Here Greeting Card 2 SRC 5 per player
1 QRowbar 5 SRC 5 per player
1 Physical Magnet 5 SRC 2 per player
1 Temporary Virtual 5 SRC 5 per player
1 Seasonal Munzee 10 SRC 1 per player
1 Mini Blast 15 SRC 1 per player
5 Cog 20 SRC 1 per player

We hope you continue to enjoy earning Sham Rocks from gameplay this month!

Munzee on!

March 10, 2022

This NEW Mech is for All Who Love Rock ‘n’ Roll!

In our first Sham Rock Credits post, we mentioned that another tab in the Redeem Store would appear later on. As planned, this tab contains items that will remain available through 02:30 MHQ on Sunday, April 3rd (the expiration date we had set for Sham Rock Credits) — so you don’t need to worry about them going away like the items in the [Sham Rocks (Week X)] tab (which swaps out on 12:00 MHQ every Thursday)! Currently there’s only one item in there right now, so here’s everything you need to know!

Sham Rock n Rolla Details

Like the other Munzee Mechz, the Sham Rock n Rolla is a temporary POB that will remain on the map until it has been captured 5 times. In addition, as a tPOB, upon capture you have the chance to earn 1 Sham Rock Credit. At 12:00 MHQ today, it was made available in the Redeem Store in the [Sham Rocks Surprise] tab for 25 SRC. If you decide to make the trade, a Sham Rock n Rolla will be automatically deployed on your account at once! You will also receive the Greenprint to rebuild it when you have earned enough Cogs in the future.

Points You can find these charismatic cyborgs playing at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:
  • Deploy: 733
  • Capture: 150-250
  • CapOn: 133-173
  • Smashed (5th Cap): 500

When a Sham Rock n Rolla is captured, it will scatter up to 3 Blarney Beats.

Points Additional Info
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 25 points
  • Visible to any player
  • Deployed on the Sham Rock n Rolla owner’s account.
  • They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet.
  • You’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them.
  • These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.

Sham Rock n Rollas will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture Sham Rock n Rollas on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Sham Rock n Rolla visits you. Sham Rock n Rollas are non-blastable. They will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access Sham Rock n Rollas by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.


Deploying a Sham Rock n Rolla will earn you the corresponding Greenprint badge, which you can see below. There is also a badge that you can earn by capturing a Sham Rock n Rolla — but since there’s only one badge in this line, we’ll keep it a secret for now.

Sham Rock n Rolla Greenprints- Deploy 1 Sham Rock n Rolla Munzee.

We hope you enjoy the sound of Sham Rock n Rolla’s music!

Munzee on!

March 9, 2022

NEW St. Patrick’s Day Skins – Another Source of SRC!

With a Leprechaun and a Balor Cyclops already in the game, you’d think we’d tire of making Irish-themed myths. Think again! The rich culture gives us a lot of inspiration to draw from, and since we’ve embraced it as the theme for this month, new skins were the logical next step!

St. Patrick’s Day Skins

Like the Halloween skins, these skins are available in the Freeze Tag Store as a 3-Pack for $10! They will remain in the store until 23:59 MHQ on March 31st. You can shop them HERE!

Lady Leprechaun Oillipheist Hydra Far Darrig Faun
Landing Pads Landing Pads Landing Pads

If you don’t already own the base Myths, but are still interested in using these skins, here are the links to shop each one:

For more information on Skins, you can check out our Help Guide articles HERE and HERE.

Sham Rock Credits

You have the chance to earn 1 Sham Rock Credit upon capturing one of these skinned Myths. They don’t fall under the tPOB category, so we’ve added an entirely new source that you can earn SRC from! However, please note this will only apply in March. Once the month is over, you will no longer be able to earn SRC, as we stated in the original blog post.

We hope you look forward to seeing some new Myths on the map! Keep an eye on the Redeem Store as well… you never know what may show up!

Munzee on!

March 1, 2022

NEW Limited-Time Credits are the Real Deal!

— UPDATE: As of 3/3/22 12:00 MHQ — The new tab in the Redeem Store is now live! Put those Sham Rocks to work!

You’ve heard of Candy Corn Credits and C04L Credits — now get ready for Sham Rock Credits!  After reviewing the activity on C04L Credits and making some improvements (we hope ?) we’ve created a new limited-time credit for you to earn and redeem!

Like Jewel Shards, Weapon Shards, and Cogs, you’ll be able to redeem Sham Rock Credits (SRC) at the Redeem Store for game pieces. However, similar to Candy Corn Credits and C04L Credits, they can only be redeemed until 02:30 MHQ on Sunday, April 3rd (when April Clan Wars starts).

How to Earn Sham Rock Credits

Sham Rock Credits can be earned from 00:01 MHQ on Tuesday, March 1st to 23:59 MHQ on Thursday, March 31st.

You can earn them the following ways:

  • Chance to earn 1 SRC upon capturing a tPOB
  • Chance to earn 1 SRC upon capturing a Destination
  • Chance to earn 1 SRC upon capturing Shamrocks (both Physical + Virtual)
  • Chance to earn 1 SRC upon capturing Emeralds
  • Chance to earn 1 SRC upon capturing a St. Patrick’s Day Greeting Card
    • Owners of these cards will also have a chance to receive SRC
  • Chance to earn 1 SRC upon capturing an Event Pin (excluding the Event Indicator Pin)
  • Chance to earn 3/4/5 SRC (dependent on type) upon opening a QRate
  • Guaranteed to earn 1 – 3 SRC upon capturing certain MOBs we’ll release next week!
  • — UPDATE: As of 3/9/22 12:00 MHQ — Chance to earn 1 SRC upon capturing a St. Patrick’s Day skinned Myth.

Goodies You Can Get With Sham Rock Credits

As usual, the most up-to-date list of what’s available will be what you see on Like the tabs for C04L Credits, you’ll only be able to redeem items in the “Week 1” tab during Week 1, after which, only the “Week 2” tab will be visible until Week 3, and so on. So make sure to spend your credits each week!

The rewards/rates may change from time to time, but to start off with, this is what we have planned:

However, you may see another tab appear later on, which will contain items that will remain available through the end of the month — this should appeal to those who are saving up!

ZEE-Dayz Coming Soon!

As mentioned in our social posts, expect a ZEE-Dayz event kicking off Thursday at 12:00 MHQ! Physical and Virtual Shamrock Munzees will see TRIPLE their normal point values, plus a special badge and sale!

If you are shooting for the the badge and exclusive bouncer for hosting an event every month this year, why not plan your March event for this weekend? Your attendees will be raking in the points! To refer to the details for the Monthly Event Packages again, click HERE!

May your pockets be heavy with Sham Rocks!

Munzee on!