What’s all that wailing about?! Cover your ears, because our latest Mythological Munzee is shrieking her way into the game!

Beware the Banshee
The Banshee Munzee is based on the wailing widow of Irish Folklore and will be available for purchase on March 15 at 10:00 MHQ time. Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! You can find the Banshee Munzee bouncing around on Greenies, Shamrocks, Black Virtuals, and Air Mystery Munzees every 12 hours or when captured.
Each Banshee Munzee is numbered and will be owned by a player. You can pick yours up for a limited time from the Freeze Tag Online Store for $15! Just be sure to set your reminders for 10:00 MHQ time tomorrow to snag one before they sell out!
The sale is open to anyone regardless of other Mythological ownership. Only ONE (1) Banshee Munzee is allowed per account. (But don’t worry, this wailing widow won’t let you leave her!)
At a more affordable price point, the Banshee will work a bit differently than other Myths that have recently been released. The Banshee Munzee will NOT include the ability to nudge or rename. However, you will be able to use a Bouncer Upgrade Credit to give her nudge and renaming abilities. Upgrading your Banshee will give it the ability to land on Green Virtual Munzees. This new upgrade feature will make it more likely to capture, with 10 additional colored virtual landing pads. You can find the full list of what it bounces to below.
The upgrade credit will also give you the ability to “nudge” your Banshee Munzee to a new munzee up to three times a day, following the MHQ 24-hour day, after it has been on its host Munzee for at least three hours. This nudging ability is only available for the owner via the munzee’s webpage and is not available in the app.
Your munzee will still retain its unique number, but feel free get creative when it comes to renaming your Banshee Munzee! (Know any wailing women in your life you want to immortalize?) Just be sure to follow the Player Code of Conduct, and remember Munzee maintains a family-friendly environment.
Banshee Munzees will land on:
- Greenies
- Shamrocks
- Air Mysteries
- Black Virtual Munzees
- Virtual Timberwolf Munzees
- Virtual Silver Munzees
- Virtual Gray Munzees
- Virtual Black Munzees
- *Green Virtual Munzees (*ONLY if upgraded)
- *Virtual Sea Green Munzees
- *Virtual Granny Smith Apple Munzees
- *Virtual Green Munzees
- *Virtual Forest Green Munzees
- *Virtual Asparagus Munzees
- *Virtual Olive Green Munzees
- *Virtual Yellow Green Munzees
- *Virtual Green Yellow Munzees
- *Virtual Spring Green Munzees
Are you looking to attract one of these wailing women? You’re in luck! Like the Mermaid and Fairy, the Banshee Munzee will be attracted to magnets! Pick up your Munzee Magnet for $1 to attract up to three Seasonal Specials or Mythological Munzees for up to one hour! You can also purchase a Virtual Munzee Magnet for the same price in order to increase your chances of attracting our latest Mythological Munzee. The Banshee Munzee will be attracted to magnets in both physical and virtual forms.
Name: The Banshee
Description: The Banshee Munzee bounces around on Greenies, Shamrocks, Black Virtuals, and Air Mystery Munzees every 12 hours or when captured. Each is numbered and owned by a Munzee player. Only 1 Banshee Munzee is allowed per player.
- Deploy: 250
- Capture: 200
- CapOn: 100
To help find the Banshee Munzee, turn on “All Expiring Specials” and “All Mythological Filters” under the Premium heading.
There is not currently a traditional line of badges for capturing the Banshee Munzee, but these will count toward the Myth Hunter badge line. Stay tuned for a line of badges similar to the other Myth Ranker badges soon! There might even be a couple of surprises if you’re brave enough to catch a few!
Right now you might be screaming with joy, but if you encounter this Banshee, your shrieks might turn to terror!
Happy hunting, and Munzee on!