Australia Iconic Location Munzees Deployed for Australia Day!
G’day, mates! If this greeting didn’t tip you off, we’re excited to announce we’re dropping our Australia Iconic Location Munzees today at 08:00 MHQ since it’s officially Australia Day (1/26) in the homeland! Since we’re following the timezone of our friends Down Under, that leaves many of you with plenty of time to practice terrible Australian accents and commit the cardinal crime of confusing Aussies with Kiwis!
Our latest Tourism Munzee will join the ranks of Great Britain, Florida, California and more. You can locate these special virtual munzees by turning on your Tourism filter.

What better way to celebrate Australia Day than by pretending to be a tourist to capture some munzees? And if you happen to be a tourist, then you’re in luck! Now you have something fun to add to your to-do list while you check out everything that makes this continent great.
The Australia Iconic Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account based on a database of historical markers brought to us by Munzee player rubik80, and his team, including SpySmurf, SammyDiddly, and TeamKamikaze! Thanks for all the invaluable help! Players will earn 50 points when they capture these new tourism munzees. Like other Historical Location Munzees, these virtuals will not be blastable. That means you’re going to have to get out there and do some walking!
Australia Iconic Location Munzees will not be accompanied by a distinct set of badges. Captures for these will instead count towards the newly released Tourism line of badges! Tourism badges will be primarily linked to the Historic and Iconic Munzees from different countries around the world, as well as states in the U.S. There are six badges in total, with plans to release more Historic and Iconic Location Munzees in the future!
If you notice any Iconic Location or Historic Munzees deployed in the wrong place, please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for all the latest news and to share how you Munzee.
So throw some shrimp on the barbie (even though they’re called prawns), and Munzee on!