Announcing Rock, Paper, Scissors Badges!
Rock. Paper. Scissors. SHOOT!
We’re excited to announce a new line of badges for capturing and deploying Rock, Paper, Scissors Munzees! As part of the gaming line, RPS Munzees actually include a mini game of Rock, Paper, Scissors which you can earn more points for winning. Since this is such a unique type of Munzee there’s a special third line of badges for winning games of RPS too!
We’ll just show the first of each badge line for now, but you can probably guess the themes for each:

Paper Boy- Capture 10 Rock Paper Scissors Munzees

Rock vs Scissors- Deploy 1 Rock Paper Scissors Munzee

Bronze Paper- Win 1 game of Rock Paper Scissors.
These badges won’t be easy to come by, but they are retroactive, so your past captures, deploys and wins will count toward these. The badges are now live and available to earn.
Help out your fellow players by deploying RPS stickers as well! For a limited time you can purchase 5 RPS Munzees for $3.50 (regularly $5) in the Munzee Online Store.
You can also pick up another gaming munzee on sale too. For a limited time Prize Wheel 5 packs are on sale for $17.50 (regularly $25). These are great if you still need to earn the Prize Wheels badges. Who knows, maybe that badge line will be extended in the future too…
The sale will run until Monday at 10:00 MHQ time, so get rocking n’ rolling!
Happy hunting and Munzee on!