Munzvember is here!
It’s November 1st, and Munzvember has finally arrived! If you’re not familiar with Munzvember, be sure to read HERE and HERE to get caught up. Team Munzee’s been amping up all week preparing for Munzvember, and we’d like to share some of the fun with you!
Rob had a very “smooth” morning getting ready:

coachV’s Munzvember transformation!
So don’t forget to support Munzvember with Munzvember Mustache Virtual Pin from the Munzee store, and join Team Munzee as we change the face of Men’s Health via Movember.
Ladies, you’re not sitting this one out! Get creative and help support Team Munzee this Munzvember. Support your friends/family/nicely mustached strangers with Mustache pins, or become a Mo’ Sista on Team Munzee’s official Movember team! Encourage your fellow players with creative mustache themes! Check out this impromptu “Mustache Deploy kit” player LeftOvers4Dinner threw together for Munzvember:
If you’d like to share your Munzvember face or any fun adventures this month with Team Munzee, drop us a line at: We’ll be happy to share your mug’ with all our Pinterest and Twitter friends!