Munzee Player of the Week: David Berenguer (xptwo)

We may limit it to Player of the WEEK, but Munzee could easily make a Player of the Day, Hour, Minute, etc. Our players show a unique combination of dedication and togetherness that makes our game so lucky. Whether it’s banding together for Clan Wars or helping out new players via social media, Munzee players continue to impress. This week’s POTW is David Berenguer (xptwo) and he is a prime example of a rookie player turned coach. When he first started his fellow players helped him figure out the game and now he has turned around and done the same. As we grow the map we also grow the experience of Munzee and it is players like David that exemplify the success of Munzee’s player camaraderie. Read on to learn more about xptwo!

DandL 20140228Who are you?
My name is David Berenguer. My Munzee user name is xptwo.

Where in the world do you live?
My wife, Lowell, and I live in Montgomery, Alabama, the capital of the state of Alabama.

How long have you played Munzee?
We signed up on August 30, 2011, using the same name as another hobby. While we did some playing for the first two years, we really got serious about Munzee in the fall of 2013. I decided to learn more about the hobby and discovered some folks on Facebook when I signed up for the “Happy Munzee” group. Ken and Tammy (KFL200 and TheRealGigi) were so gracious in providing advice. That led to the discovery of the Mustache garden in Franklin, Tennessee. While there, we met Tammy and Jay (ThePiedPiper), who helped us expand our horizons. Tammy and Jay helped us get into a clan in December, and it has been a fun ride since.

How did you find Munzee?Lowell and Tammy Nov 2013
A local friend and fellow cacher, strumminalong, told us about it. I decided to give it a try and signed up using the same joint name we used in another geolocation game. Though we had a joint account, I was the one more interested in Munzee and have been the primary user.

What do you enjoy most about Munzee?
The people. Locally we started with strumminalong and OHail. In recent months others have gotten active in the hobby, and we have had joint runs from time to time. We really had a grand time at the Munzee event in Franklin, Tennessee, in April, 2014. A lot of the fun was meeting all the folks, including the fearless leader. The Worlds Collide event in St. Charles, Missouri, was another great time to meet wonderful folks.

Franklin Munzee Bash 2014

I have also really enjoyed interacting with others on several Facebook pages. It seems like most of the players are great folks who are really willing to help where they can, something I experienced when I was working on creating the Eastchase Garden here in Montgomery.

What is on your wish list?
Besides trying to figure out how to find the discipline to stay on a diet? It would be nice to see smaller mystery Munzees, either mini or the new one inch size Rob showed us in Franklin. I would also like to find out how the unicorn came to play such a large role on the Facebook pages!xptwo Franklin TN Nov 2013

Tell us about yourself!
We are retired and are very active in our church. I served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. My last duty station was in Montgomery, and after I retired, we stayed here. I worked in other jobs before retiring for good a couple of years ago. I was born in New York, but finished growing up in Florida. After high school, I went to college in Tennessee and graduate school in Georgia before starting my Air Force career. Lowell and I met in graduate school. This year we celebrated our 44th anniversary.

Other hobbies include:
We still participate in other geolocation games, but I find myself preferring this one. Reading is also big for us. My most recent reads have been on history, which I enjoy.

David was kind enough to share his socials, so cap away!
