May 2024 GOTM Winners!
After sifting through all the entries that are blooming under the summer sun, we are beaming with excitement to announce the Garden Of The Month WINNERS! We’ve picked a radiant pair perfectly suited to this sun-sational season. Don’t forget, special badges await the green-thumbed organizers and players deployed in these winning gardens. Thank you for helping our map flourish!
A big Munzee congratulations to Cresting Wave at Sunset, designed by CoalCracker7 and Watermelon, designed by geomatrix as our winning May GOTM!
Cresting Wave at Sunset by CoalCracker7 in Orlando, Florida – USA
“WAVE hello to SUMMER!”
Watermelon by geomatrix in Watertown, South Dakota – USA
“Natures sweet treat!”
Special Badges for all players deployed within the winning GOTM:
If you’d like to nominate a Virtual Garden for GOTM or need help deploying in a Garden, you can check out the Munzee Help Guide to learn more! Stock up on Virtuals from the Freeze Tag Online Store to bring your garden visions to life!