April Fool’s Day 2017 – The Prankster
All sorts of shenanigans occur on and around April Fool’s Day, and this year is no different. We’ve noticed a mischievous character going by “The Prankster” around the office lately, and we think we’ve learned his plans.
The Prankster has been taking some cues from a few of our newest Mystery Munzees, so you need to be careful when you go after him. When you capture him, one of three things will happen:
- The Prankster Burns You – When you feel the heat of The Prankster’s jokes, it doesn’t end well. You lose five (5)Β points, but the burn counts towards the First-, Second-, and Third Degree Burn badges.
- The Prankster Freezes You – The Prankster is cold hearted, and he’ll show you that. You lose one (1) point and you get frozen for one (1) minutes, but the freeze counts towards the Frost Bite, Big Freeze, and Ice-Solated badges.
- The Prankster Gets Foiled – Just because you don’t lose doesn’t mean you win. You don’t lose or earn any points.
Each scenario will also earn you a badge! You can earn the Playing With Fire, Cold-Hearted, and Zilch, Zip Nada, Nothing badges for getting burned, getting frozen, and foiling The Prankster, respectively.
- Playing With Fire – Be burned once by The Prankster April Fools Munzee
- Cold-Hearted – Be frozen once by The Prankster April Fools Munzee
- Zilch, Zip, Nada, Nothing – Capture The Prankster Munzee and have nothing happen
Dates: March 31st at 00:01 MHQ time through April 9th at 23:59 MHQ time
Capture Points: -5, -1, or 0
CapOn Points: 14
Number of Pranksters on the Map: 1,741
Bounce Time: The Prankster will bounce on greenies every 6 hours or when capped
The Mystery Munzee line wasn’t the only line of munzees that The Prankster was taking cues from. He also learned something special from the Mythological Munzees. You CANΒ capture The Prankster on your own munzees.
Have fun!