Posts Tagged ‘Points of Interest’

November 7, 2022

An Update to Places Munzees

We heard your feedback on proximity requirements for Places Munzees! Previously, ALL Places had to be at least 1 mile (= 5,280 ft = 1609.34 m) apart from other places of the same type. Meaning, a Faith Place had to be at least 1 mile away from any other Faith Place, and so on. We’ve now reduced that distance for certain Places as follows:

2,000 ft (609.6 m) Radius

2,500 ft (762 m) Radius

In light of this change, if you’d like to stock up on any of these Places, you can do so HERE! We’ve also reset the usual limit on purchasing Places, so if you were maxed out for the month, you don’t have to wait all the way until next month to treat yourself!

Munzee on!

March 13, 2017

Munzee Places – Zoo and Animal Sanctuary Suggestions

In conjunction with our Safar-Zee March Fundraiser, we will be releasing new Places Munzees! We need your help, though!

Zoo Places Munzee

Through Wednesday, March 15th at 23:59 MHQ time, we will be taking suggestions for Zoo Places Munzee locations. These locations can be zoos, wildlife preserves, or animal sanctuaries. We will compile the suggestions and begin deploying these new Places Munzees during the month of March.

All you have to do is go to this Google FormΒ and provide your username, the name of the proposed location, and the coordinates of the location.

Thanks in advance for your help, and Munzee on!


January 23, 2017

Places Munzees Recommendations

We’re excited to expand our Places Munzees to new locations! However, we need your help! We’re looking for recommendations for new locations to deploy Places Munzees. In addition, we are opening upΒ the Stadium Places type to all sports. These locations will still need to fall under the two current categories of Places Munzees: Stadiums and Airports.

You can follow this link to a Google Form where you can tell us the Type of Place, Location Name (i.e. name of the stadium or airport), and the city/state/country. This form will be live until Wednesday, January 25th at 23:59 MHQ time.

Thanks in advance for your input, and Munzee on!