Munzee may be an international game, but our team is very much headquartered in the US. A lot of responsibility falls on our worldwide players to not only grow the game, but also aid in spreading and translating Munzee news and announcements. One such dedicated player is Josef Lewerken (GeoBeTa) who helped start the first German Munzee podcast- MunzPod. It’s this dedication that truly helps our small staff continue to grow the game in new and interesting ways- and in all languages! Read on to learn more about GeoBeTa!

Who are you?
I´m Josef Lewerken aka “GeoBeTa”.
Where in the world do you live?
My hometown is called Delbrueck, a small town near Paderborn in Germany. It´s also the HQ of my clan “Team Delbrueck” which won the October clan battles in 2013 with the highest result before the Mystery-Virtual-Munzee-Rollout. So there is some historical air to breeze.
How long have you played Munzee?
Today my account is 1.181 days old, but I’ve played seriously since I got my first Android phone in April 2012.
How did you find Munzee?
I heard about Munzee as an active “other game” player in 2011. At the time, Paderborn was a munzee desert. An addicted player, called PappaPad, was kind enough to build a local community.
During the october clanbattles in 2013 Paderborn changed to “Paderblue”. We added over 1,000 mystery munzees and made our area to the 3rd biggest mystery cluster worldwide.
So thanks alot Mr. Pad, you made me find Munzee.
What do you enjoy most about Munzee?
It´s a combination of different things. Getting outside, reaching the highest possible clan level with it´s rewards, chasing special icons, the German Munzee community and of course producing the German spoken munzee podcast called MunzeePod. But clan battles are the biggest fun factor.
What is on your wish list?
Well, it´s an app-based game. So, why do I have to use a browser for my daily needs? It would be awesome to buy credit items, to watch my #pointstoday, to have a message system which invites me to a private clan chatroom when I´m joining a clan, to capture a location-less by touching it and say “open with Munzee” (you need a second device) and that all in app. I want to go outside! There´s no time for sitting in front of a PC.
Tell us about yourself!
I´m 33 years old and married to my wonderful wife Debby (Thank you for supporting me Honey. I love you!). We´ve got an awesome 2 year old son who is interested in mobile devices. In the Munzee breaks I am a certified engineer for professional coffee machines.
Other hobbies include:
Definitely the podcasting. I´ve produced the German spoken MunzeePod ( since march 2013. In my opinion it was the 1st pure Munzee podcast worldwide. I´m thinking about a monthly live talkshow with guests form the German Munzee community in 2015. Many thanks to my awesome audience. And of course many thanks to matzenthias. There wouldn´t be a MunzeePod without him.
GeoBeTa was kind enough to share his social, so cap away!

If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at and let us know just why this person is outstanding in the global Munzee community!
-Please note, this is a super active campaign. We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!