Posts Tagged ‘Hammer’

March 24, 2021

Forge Weapon Shards into Something Nameworthy!

After last month’s success with Jewel Shards and their spotlight this month during Jewel Day, we wanted to keep the momentum going and create another shard type! In our quest to create more flexible systems for our players so that they can play their way, we decided that Clan Weapons would be the next priority.

If you’re a new player, you may not have many Clan Weapons yet — but keep reading so that you’re prepared for the future! Otherwise, if you’re an experienced player, you may have an overstock of specific Clan Weapon Credits. You’ll be able to choose if you want to redeem some of your Clan Weapon Credits for Weapon Shards. If you do, you’ll be able to use those Weapon Shards to create new Clan Weapons of your choosing. For example, you may have tons of Maces stored up from past Clan War rewards and have no plans on using them. Now you have the option of breaking some of those Maces into Weapon Shards and using them to get The Hammer. The choice will be yours within the options given.

Don’t worry if you have any Clan Weapon Credits saved up — those will remain. Please also note that only Credits can be converted to Weapon Shards — meaning existing Crossbows and Catapults cannot be converted. However, you will be able to convert Weapon Shards to any of the 6 weapons. Moving forward, Clan Wars will award Weapon Shards instead of specific weapons. Of course, not all Weapons are created equal, so different amounts of Weapon Shards are required to convert to each Clan Weapon type.

You’ll find all the details and conversion rates at These rewards/rates may change from time to time, and the Trojan Unicorn may even be found. Remember it is archived at the end of each clan war, so choose your timing wisely!

While Weapon Shards are currently only available as trading elements online or Clan War rewards, who knows what the future holds? Perhaps you’ll be able to forge something new? Only time will tell!

Munzee on!

May 4, 2017

Introducing the Warrior Nomad!

The Jewel Thief, Bellhop and Pirate Nomads have been bouncing across the world and causing mischief, but a new challenger has entered the arena! Warrior Nomads have started to collect an armory and are bouncing to Clan Weapon Munzees worldwide!

10 Warrior Nomads are live NOW and bounce on physical Clan Weapon Munzees every 12 hours or when captured. Like other Nomads, you will earn 100 points for capturing a Warrior Nomad and the owner of the host Clan Weapon Munzee will earn 20 points.

These badges will also count towards the Nomad Munzee Badge Line.


Name: Warrior Nomad

How Many Are There: 10

What Does It Do: Bounces on Clan Weapon Munzees every 12 hours or when capped.


  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn (for host owner): 20

Release Date/Time: LIVE NOW

We hope you enjoy this new Nomad!

Munzee on!

March 9, 2017

3x Point Weekend – March 17th

The month of March is filled with an abundance of the color green. As you know, we’re quite fond of the color green ourselves, so we’re celebrating on St. Patrick’s Day weekend!

From Friday, March 17th at 00:01 MHQ time until Sunday, March 19th at 23:59 MHQ time, we’ll be having a 3x Point Weekend for our favorite green munzees, including:

  • Greenies
  • Shamrocks
  • Emeralds

This will effect all points — Deploys, Captures, and CapOns.

That’s not all, though. In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, Leprechauns will be bouncing faster than normal. During this time frame, Leprechauns will bounce every 6 hours (or when capped) instead of every 12 hours.

We hope you enjoy the 3x Point Weekend!

Munzee on!

April 15, 2016

3X Hammer Day!

As you may or may not know, April 15th is (usually) the deadline for filing IRS Tax Returns in the US. For some, this is a good day. For others, not so much. Either way, people are getting “hammered”. So to ClanHammer_128share this experience everyone, all points (Capture, CapOn, and Deploy) for the HAMMER are being multiplied by 3 today! This will be in effect through 23:59 MHQ time today, April 15th.

Have fun, and Munzee on!