That’s right it’s Double Point Days for End Of March!
Not all players can enjoy double points on weekends. *See DPD announcement for this weekend on greens and emeralds at the bottom of a previous blog post* Not all players can enjoy double points on weekdays. The world is big and there is never a perfect time for everyone in our worldwide community. This blog post is going out many hours later than our typical posts during the MHQ workday for that reason. *Hello to our players Down Under who may be currently awake and playing, and sweet dreams to those in Europe who may be resting!*
The purpose of this post is to inform you of an upcoming special occasion. Double Point Days! Let’s end March by celebrating the players who put in time to do battle each month with their Munzee clan. From March 29th 00:01 through March 31st 23:59 MHQ time (UTC -5) all clan weapons will be double points. This includes deploy, capture, and cap on points for the 4 weapon types. The Mace, Longsword, Battle Axe, and The Hammer.
We hope you’ve enjoyed March as much as we have (and it’s only halfway through). Thank you to our players who faithfully compete in clan battles every month. If you have a stockpile of weapons, NOW is the time to prepare them for deploy! If you’ve never joined a Munzee clan, the trading window opens April 1st at 00:01 for the April battle.