July 16-24 marks a historical period in time, as it is the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the first manned mission to land on the Moon. To commemorate this critical moment in human history, Virtual Flat Shuttles will begin bouncing on Tuesday, July 16 at 00:01 MHQ time all the way until Wednesday, July 31 at 23:59 MHQ time!
Flat Shuttle Specials
Starting tomorrow, you will have the rest of the month to enjoy these brand new Flat Shuttle specials. The Flat Shuttle icons will bounce to the Flat Friends Munzees and regular Virtual Munzees every 6 hours or when capped and scatter our Flat Flyby Friends to Greenies. Flat Flyby Friends will scatter to Greenies within 1,000 ft of the initial virtual Flat Shuttle capture. 500 of these virtual specials will be bouncing around the map, and they will not be blastable.
You can increase your chances of capping the Flat Shuttle specials by using Virtual Magnets, available for purchase in the Freeze Tag Online Store.
Flat Flyby Rob
Flat Flyby Matt
Flat Flyby Lou
Flat Flyby Hammock
Flat Flyby Friends
Each time a Flat Shuttle special is captured, one of each of the four Flat Flyby Friends —Flat Flyby Rob, Matt, Lou, and Hammock— will be scattered to a nearby Greenie for 6 hours or when capped. The Flat Flyby Friends will all be worth the same point values.
You can access these specials by turning on your All Expiring Specials and All Limited Edition Specials filters.
Capturing these specials will count towards Specials capture badges. They will also have their own line of badges for players to enjoy! There will be two capture badges to earn, for capturing any Flat Shuttle special and for capturing one of each of the Flat Flyby specials. The badges will appear as follows:
Takeoff- Capture at least one Flat Shuttle special
First Friends- Capture at least one of each Flat Flyby Friends special
And that’s not all of the exciting news!
8 Mates Special
When the Shuttle Specials go live, we will also have eight “M8s” (pronounced “Mates”) enter the map as well! These physical bouncers will bounce to Greenies every 8 hours or until captured. They will remain on the map for the same duration as the Shuttle Specials, from July 16 at 00:01 MHQ time until July 31 at 23:59 MHQ time.
Ready to hear about the points?! Yes, you read the blog’s title correctly! This rare special will be worth a whopping points value, because birthday month really has us celebr8ing!
- Capture: 1,000 points + 8 PinPoints
- CapOn: 108 points
You can access this very exciting special by turning on your All Expiring Specials and All Limited Edition Specials filters. Captures on the 8 Mates specials will count towards Specials Capture badges, as well as their own badge line. The 8 Mates specials will be attracted to physical Munzee Magnets.
8 Mates Badges
There will be two badges to earn for capturing the 8 Mates specials based on number of captures. There are very few of the these specials bouncing around, so you’ll have to get really lucky if you want both! The badges will appear as follows:
M8s- Capture at least one 8 Mate special
GR8 M8s- Capture at least eight 8 Mate specials
We told you that July would be a GR8 month! Don’t forget that Magic 8 Ball munzees are still bouncing around until the end of the month as well, so there are TONs of specials to try for! Is this the most extravagant 8th birthday celebration that you’ve ever been a part of!? An entire month of fun, celebrations, and specials!
Munzee on!