Introducing University Places Munzees!

As August comes to an end, many schools around the world start a new school year. MHQ wants to celebrate that by introducing our next type of Places Munzee: Universities!

University Places Munzees, like the previous Places Munzees we released last month, are deployed on player accounts and have the same point and proximity structure. You can see all of the Places Munzees on the Places Map, and if you need a refresher on how to deploy Places Munzees, you can check out our previous blog post.



  • Deploy: 25
  • Capture: 10
  • CapOn: 5

Proximity: 1 mile from other University Places Munzees

Capture Radius: 1000ft

Multi-Capture: These can be captured 1 time per MHQ day

Badges: These will count toward the Places capture badges.


Like the other Places Munzees, there are certain criteria that we look for when approving University Places Munzees:

  • Most Importantly: University Places Munzees must be deployed at a University/College. Please no college annex buildings at grade schools (common in parts of the US).
  • Only 1 University Places Munzee will be allowed per campus. When deploying, please try and position the munzee at the main entrance on the university/college campus.
  • The university/college must be accessible to all, not a private/closed campus.
  • No research institutions unless they are part of a university/college system.

Our ZenDesk will be updated to reflect this information.

University Places Munzees will be available at 15:00 MHQ time TOMORROW (August 22nd, 15:00 CST) for $10 USD. All current Places Munzees will be removed from the store until then as well in order to add this new type. You will be able to find all Places Munzees for sale hereΒ August 22nd, 15:00 CST.

Munzee On!