Nobody Told Me
Howdy everyone! — I’m back from a week of rest. I really appreciate the entire team for taking over some of my responsibilities. It was nice to come back and find a nice clean desk (thanks Cecie), a new item on the map (that was a by-product of a team brainstorm), and some excited people. I’m writing this to update you, the players, on a few things that have been going on, a few slips, and some good news for tomorrow and the future.
As a company, we’ve promised to be more transparent and upfront with you, our players. In that spirit, we have a few things to update you on and announce.
Munzee App Update
Yesterday (November 4th), we pushed Munzee 3.0.3 to the App Store and Google Play Store. This update included:
- An Updated Scanner that reflects GPS accuracy
- The ability to turn the capture sound on and off
- Referral Codes
- Improved GPS
- Various bug fixes and improvements
We’d like to reiterate that each of our apps has a dedicated team working on them. Each member of those teams works solely on their assigned app. We are constantly working to improve and update our apps to provide the best playing experience possible.
Server Issues
The servers for Munzee Inc are hosted off site at a hosting provider. This past weekend, that hosting provider had a major network outage that affected many companies, including us. While we were in contact with the hosting provider, we were unable to get a time frame for restoration of functionality to pass on due to the uncertainty of the exact issue. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that these issues caused. We are exploring multiple avenues to keep this from happening and provide an up-to-date status of the Munzee services.
Matt and I will be doing a videocast again tomorrow (Friday) at 2pm MHQ time to provide updates and answer questions. Make sure to join us on Google+.
Flat Robs
I will be out of town on business this weekend, so Flat Robs will appear again on the map after the videocast tomorrow through Sunday at 23:59 CST. Remember, you don’t have to redeploy them. They will appear in the location they were originally deployed.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks with both good and bad, but we’re excited to move forward. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we come to work each day with you in mind. We’ve got a lot of plans in the works, and we can’t wait to share them with you! Grow the map! On behalf of the entire Munzee team I thank you! – Rob