Posts Tagged ‘World Photo Day’

August 22, 2018

World Photo Day Contest Winners!

World Photo Day 2018 has come and gone, but we still have some winners to announce! We asked our players to submit photos they took when playing Munzee using #WorldPhotoDay and #MunzeeOn and WOW we had a lot of great submissions. We have chosen three submissions, one from each of our social media channels.

Our winners are as follows:

Facebook: Deb Carter

Instagram: brilang71


Twitter: hazeljcn


We also held a second contest for photos attached to Munzees throughout the weekend. Our winners were randomly chosen from the database, but each was attached to a captured munzee at some point during the weekend.

Our winners are as follows:

Username: kellyat9


Username: babyw


Username: delfin13

Winners will be notified regarding their prizes via an in-app message. If you do not receive a message by the end of the week please send an inquiry to

Thank you again to everyone that submitted photos! World Photo Day was a big hit and we’re excited to continue releasing all sorts of new specials in the near future.

Munzee on!

August 16, 2018

Announcing World Photo Day Specials!

Say cheese!

We’re excited to announce new Camera Specials in celebration of World Photo Day on Sunday August 19! The Specials will be on the map starting August 17 at 00:01 MHQ and will last until August 20 at 23:59 MHQ.

2,009 Camera Specials will bounce on Greenies and Premium Munzees every 6 hours or when captured. The Camera Specials will also be attracted to Magnets on greenies. Players will be able to capture these on their own Greenies and Premium Munzees as well.


  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn: 20 on Greenie
  • CapOn: 70 on Premium

Per usual there will be a badge for capping one of the specials, but you never know what other badges you could earn. Since these are CAMERA specials there will also be another special badge you can earn by uploading pictures to munzees throughout the weekend. Remember that placing pictures on munzees is a Premium feature, so this badge will only be able to be earned if you have a Premium Membership.

You can purchase a Premium Membership and Magnets in the Freeze Tag Online Store. We also have a limited number of World Photo Day Personal Tags in the store as well.

What would World Photo Day be without photos though? We want to see your best Munzee photos throughout the weekend on social media. Upload photos you take when playing Munzee using #WorldPhotoDay and #MunzeeOn to be eligible. One winners will be chosen from each of our three social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and awarded those prizes by the end of next week. We will also have prizes for three photos placed on munzees in the app through the weekend. These winners will also be chosen by the end of next week.

We hope you’re ready to strike a pose! Get out and document your adventures as you Munzee on!