Changes with UTL and NR on Map

This morning, we pushed out a new feature for the map.

When you mark a munzee as UTL or Needs Repair for the first time, the icon now changes to maintenance FOR YOU ONLY. Β For everyone else, the icon remains the same. If another player scans the munzee or if themaintenance owner verifies the munzee, the icon will change back to it’s normal icon. If the munzee is marked as UTL or Needs Repair by another player, it will be put in Maintenance Mode for everyone and be subject to the normal maintenance rules.


  • Rob goes out looking for Matt’s Mystery Munzee. He can’t find it, and marks it as UTL. Rob’s map now shows this Mystery Munzee as a Maintenance icon. Matt goes out to check it, finds it, and verifies it. The icon on Rob’s map will change back to the Mystery Munzee icon.
  • Matt goes out looking for TJ’s Premium Munzee. He knows exactly where it should be (because he helped him deploy it. True story.), and notices it’s gone. He marks it as Needs Repair. His map now shows as a Maintenance icon. The next day, Rob goes out to find TJ’s Premium Munzee in an attempt to clear out things he hasn’t capped yet. He can’t find it either, so he marks it as UTL. Now, the munzee is put into Maintenance Mode and shows the maintenance icon on everyone’s map.

This update was made in an attempt to help you, the player, avoid hitting the same spots repeatedly if you’ve forgotten that you couldn’t find a munzee in it. We hope it helps you on your Munzee adventures!

Munzee on!