Introducing the Fire Pouch Creature Munzee!
UPDATE: Due to player requests we have increased the point values to the three Tuli levels. We have also decreased the amount of time the Tuli will take to bounce from 12 hours to 6 hours. Changes are listed below in red. Thank you all for your input!ย
In November we released the final member of the Classical Mythological Munzees, the Cyclops Mythological Munzee. Now we’re proud to announce a new era – the Pouch Creatures. The first Pouch Creature being released is the Tuli Pouch Creature Munzee.
The Pouch Creatures are based on items from one of our sister apps, WallaBee. These creatures, while similar to Mythological Munzees in many respects, have some different qualities. The Tuli Pouch Creature Munzee will bounce on Greenies and Fire Mystery Munzees every 6 hours or when capped. After 25 captures, however, the Tuli Pouch Creature Munzee will begin to level up.
- Tuli
- Tulimber – Level 2
- Tulinferno – Level 3
To level up, a daily capture streak must be attained:
- Level 1: 0-3 Consecutive Days of Capture
- Level 2: 4-7 Consecutive Days of Capture
- Level 3: 8+ Consecutive Days of Capture
Your Level 1 pouch creature will need 4 consecutive days of captures for it to evolve to Level 2, this will happen after the first capture on Day 4. Your Level 2 pouch creature will need 8 consecutive days of captures for it to evolve to Level 3, this will happen after the first capture on Day 8.
When the streak is broken, the Fire Pouch Creature will revert to Level 1 and the leveling process begins again.
By leveling up a Tuli Pouch Creature Munzee, the points for the owner, capper, and host owner will increase:
Deploy: 100 points
- Tuli (Level 1)
- Capture: 50 points
- CapOn: 50 Points
- CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points
- Tulimber (Level 2)
- Capture: 75 points
- CapOn: 75 Points
- CapOn (Host Owner): 75 points
- Tulinferno (Level 3)
- Capture: 125 points
- CapOn: 125 points
- CapOn (Host Owner): 125 points
For deploying a Tuli Pouch Creature Munzee, you will earn a deploy badge:
There are also three badges (nine total) for capturing each level of the Tuli Pouch Creature Munzee. Here are the first for each level:
- Tuli Capture Badge #1
- Tulimber Capture Badge #1
- Tulinferno Capture Badge #1
There will be 1800 Tuli Pouch Creature Munzees available for $20 in the Munzee Online Store TOMORROW (Friday, February 23rd) at 10:00 MHQ time. These will be sold on a first come, first served basis, and there is a limit of 1 per account.
That’s not all, though. We will also have a limited number of each of the previous Mythological Munzees available as well. If you’ve missed previous ownership opportunities or are a new player who wants to get in on the Mythological Munzee action, this is your chance! As always, you can only own one of each type of Mythological Munzee.
We hope you enjoy the Tuli Pouch Creature Munzee!
Munzee on!