Posts Tagged ‘QR code scanner’

May 21, 2014

Munzee for good this May!

With inspiration from previous Players of the Week (Derik Reed and Family) we’ve launched a special campaign that we hope inspires the entire Munzee community to open their hearts and join their hands together in fighting for an important cause!


RMH Virtual Munzee is a special limited time Munzee purchase.  On sale from May 21 until May 31 (MHQ time) only.  RMH Virtuals are temporary gamepieces with all proceeds to benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Spokane Washinton.  The donation to RMH of Spokane is to honor the special relationship between the Reed family, RMH, and local Munzee players.  Read more about the Reed family and their special Player of the Week award on our blog.

RMH Virtual munzees will remain on the map from the date of deployment until June 30, 2014 at 18:00 MHQ time (CDT).

The RMH Virtual points will be similar to a diamond Munzee.  Players will earn 10 points for deploying the munzee.  The owner and capper will split 20 points when captured, with a minimum of 5 points for either player.  Example:  Player A captures and receives 7 points, the owner receives 13 points.  Player B captures and receives 8 points, the owner receives 12 points.  The maximum for owner or capper is 15 points.  The minimum is 5 points.


Four badges may be earned through your purchase and support of the RMH virtual munzee.  Badges received for owning 4 RMH munzees, 8 RMH, 20 RMH, and 40 RMH munzees owned.


REED_Family720As if all of this isn’t enough…How about ONE MORE THING!  FREEBIES:  Buy 2 packs (8 RMH total = $10) get one free regular virtual munzee.   Buy 5 packs (20 RMH total = $25) get one free mystery virtual munzee.   Must be purchased in same order to qualify for freebies.

The Blast Capture will work in order to capture the RMH virtual.  No colors may be applied to the RMH Virtual.

May 15, 2014

Munzee Players of the Week, Derik Reed and Family!

Globally, Munzee is a network of players bound together by one simple thing, a love of the game, and passion to build our community with other like-minded people.  Munzee provides us with an outlet to get outdoors, do something special with the family, see new sights, and make new friends.  We’re all different, and we each have our own amazing personal story that makes us stronger, and makes this the most amazing group of players (and people) to be a part of.  This week’s Players of the Week are no exception to this. The Reed Family (Derik, Kathryn, David and Julia),  are near and dear to our hearts.  Their love of the game and love of their son David resonate throughout the Munzee community. Today, we want to make them “shine” worldwide with all of you!  Read below and get to know this week’s courageous Players of the Week!

The Reeds

1.  Who are you?  Let us know your “names” and introduce your Munzee family!

We are derikkathryn, Derik Reed, lilgeodave, and lilgeolia. My kids have their own accounts, at their request when we started playing together.

2.  Where in the world do you live? We live in East Helena, MT, USA

3.  How long have you played Munzee?    (Derik) I began playing in January of 2013, 15 months ago.

4.  How did you find Munzee?  Did someone in your family “take” to Munzee first, or was it a passion shared amongst you all?

I discovered Munzee while overhearing it being discussed at an event of the other Geolocation-Game-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. I think they were actually making fun of it; I downloaded the app, and discovered that there were no more than a dozen in the area I was covering (including my home and Spokane, WA). It took me over a month to get to 100 points, as I had not discovered “armchair munzees” yet.  My son David had been diagnosed with ALL, T-Cell Leukemia in October of 2012, and was living with my wife at the Ronald McDonald House in Spokane; munzee provided me with a needed distraction and activity (mostly deploying) while driving back and forth between here and there.  My kids both have active accounts, and have played in clan battles with me, but mostly like to go on walks, and sometimes are ready to be done way before me!

Derik and Julia

5.  What do you enjoy most about Munzee?

I enjoy the opportunity to get outside and exercise, the chance to meet new people with similar interests, including planning local events, coordinating strategic Munzee attacks so that our local clans can compete with the “Big Boys in Europe” and on the Coasts during clan battles.

6.  How has Munzee impacted your relationship with your family, especially your children?

My family frequently munzees together, but I have way more drive than the kids.  Our connections with others, especially while in Spokane, have been greatly augmented by Munzee and the other “Geolocation-Game-That-Must-Not-Be-Named”; also, my connections in that other game have triggered an interest in Munzee in Spokane, where the map has grown from just a few to over 5000 deploys in the last year.  Also, another Munzer visiting Spokane capped some Munzees we deployed while walking to Riverfront Park from the Ronald McDonald House on Easter of 2013; she was so moved by our deploys that she made contact with my wife (at R.M.H.), and provided a significant amount of financial, emotional, and spiritual support while we were in Spokane! The people I play with have become close, personal friends, and their prayers and encouragement have been essential to our navigation of the last year.  More locally, at a recent event in Helena, another player’s son, who is a survivor of  childhood leukemia, was able to meet with my son.  We are forging lifelong connections through this game!

Carroll College Homecoming -- David presented game ball

7.  What is on your wish list?

Most of my wishes have come to pass in the last year–i-nigma on the iPhone, locally planned events, better functionality for conversion and other functions within the app; but the greatest desire I have right now would be for some (or all!) of MHQ to come to one or more events in Montana and Spokane this summer!  It would be an acknowledgement that we in the hinterlands are having an impact on the game!

8.  Tell us more about your son’s treatment, and how the last 18 months have been for your family:

David was diagnosed with cancer on October 8, 2012, two days before his seventh birthday. He was in critical condition, and within hours of his diagnosis, he was life-flighted to Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, Washington. During the first eight months (the most intense phases) of his three and a quarter years of treatment, he and his mother were required to live in Spokane. The Ronald McDonald House of Spokane became their home away from home. Without the Ronald McDonald House and all of the support it offered our family, those eight months away from home, friends, and family would have been even more difficult. The House provided us a safe place to live, play, and interact with other families with children with significant health issues.

We moved home Memorial Day weekend of 2012, but we visit the Ronald McDonald House every time we’re in Spokane to drop off donated pop tabs and to visit; we will always be grateful to the staff and supporters of the House.

Kathryn, David and Derik

David’s treatment consists of five phases, four of which were completed while we lived in Spokane. The first four phases involved IV chemotherapy, intrathecal chemotherapy, oral chemotherapy and steroids, as well as full cranial radiation. The last phase of treatment requires daily oral chemotherapy, a trip to Spokane every four weeks for IV chemotherapy, and a trip to Spokane every twelve weeks for a lumbar puncture and spinal chemotherapy; this cycle is repeated until the end of treatment. David will complete his final chemotherapy and ring the bell as a childhood cancer survivor on January 18, 2016.

David near the end of trt in spokane

Team Munzee is proud to have the Reed Family as this week’s Players of the Week.  The passion and strength they bring to their everyday lives and the game is an inspiration to us, and hopefully, an inspiration to you!  We’d like it if the Munzee community could rally together and capture this very special Social we’ve deployed for lilgeodave:


A note from our President:  The Reed family and their story have inspired Team Munzee.  Coming very soon we will celebrate and honor their Munzee connection with the Ronald McDonald House of Spokane.  Prepare for special charity gamepieces, icons, and badges.  More information coming very soon!

Thanks so much for taking a moment to read this important Player of the Week Interview, and capturing this Social.  Keep your eyes on the blog, and on our Social Outlets for the big announcement from Team Munzee.  You can help make a difference in this world! “Expect the Unexpected” this 2014!
Fitbit wireless activity + sleep trackers

May 2, 2014

Announcement: Munzee donates USD $5,000 to Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism!

The amazing efforts of our active Munzee community lead to over 8,055 hearts captured in the month of April! Player captures raised a total of USD $4,027.50 in donations towards an Autism charity. Team Munzee has decided one organization deserves the incredible efforts of our players.

Flutie Foundation_best jpeg logo

Autism is a neurological disorder that impacts the normal development of the brain (oftentimes in areas of social interaction and communication skills). Autism occurs in as many as one in 150 births, and awareness towards this struggle is something passionately felt by Team Munzee.

The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism was established in 1998 by NFL quarterback Doug Flutie and his wife, Laurie, in honor of their son Doug, Jr. who was diagnosed with autism at age three.

Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation is dedicated to increasing the awareness of autism and improving the lives of families facing the unique challenges of facing autism everyday. Our commitment is to support these families by helping them find the resources they need and by funding advocacy programs as well as educational, therapeutic and recreational opportunities. To learn more about Flutie Foundation, check out the following link:

Like Team Munzee, Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation is a small group of passionate people working hard every day to turn their vision into a reality. Yesterday, TJ (VP of Sales/Marketing) reached out to the devoted five-person team and offered our total donation of USD $5,000.00 to their organization! We’re glad we could make a difference by donating to a dedicated organization that will utilize over 90% of our donation towards Autism Awareness (and helping families of children with autism ). Their primary objective is to provide families with a place to turn when they are in need of support and autism resources.

Team Munzee wants to give a big “THANKS” to our player community, YOU are what makes Munzee great. You inspire us to make a difference every day, and today we were able to do just that!

PS: Be sure to give them a little “Like” on Facebook too!


May 1, 2014

Munzee Player of the Week: JS Seegars (Sseegars)

This week’s player of the week is a quiet sort of player.  The player that spends his time enjoying the best of Munzee: getting outdoors, spending time with the family, and riding magical invisible pink unicorns.  A friendly face on Social Media, and always eager to meet with any player headed towards his neck of the woods, this week’s Player of the Week is JS Seegars (Sseegars)!


Who are you? sseegars

Where in the world do you live? Kershaw, USA

How long have you played Munzee? 1,002 days

How did you find Munzee? Munzee came up in conversation with a fellow ‘cacher who was beta testing the app for iPhone. I was very hesitant to get into Munzee at first. I was a hardcore cacher and I just didn’t think Munzee would catch on. But I like firsts. I like being first in things and so I placed the first Munzee in South Carolina! I deployed it three years ago and my wife was FTC one year ago. Only two captures on it now, LOL! (Editor’s Note: Everyone head to South Carolina:!)

What do you enjoy most about Munzee? I’m not a die-hard player, but my wife is, and I’m so supportive of her and Munzee! She liked caching but wasn’t as into it as I was. This has given us both something to do together! We discuss Munzee several times a day. Add to that the social interaction online with the various pages and groups and I am happy to be a part of the Munzee family. I am a stay at home Dad and being online is sometimes my only adult interaction during the day.

Another aspect that I really enjoy and I want to be clear about upfront is Rob’s involvement in the game. He’s always around. He’s not just the president, he’s also a player. I am not badmouthing caching but I really never saw that “in other games” and I’ve actually met the folks in charge for those games/hobbies! Rob is more involved and approachable and that means something to me!

I enjoy Munzee because I can place most anywhere. I don’t have a reviewer looking over my shoulder. That’s something that finally drove me away from caching. I often go out for a wander on weekends (Saturdays are my day off) with my camera and find some interesting thing or place that I can bring another player to. It’s not the points for me. It’s the discovery of new things, or old things. I do love old houses.

What is on your wish list?  Franklin, TN in the foreseeable future! I would love to go back to Europe especially now with Munzee.

I want to see historical icons. I have part of that with quiz munzees and have started placing those with that in mind. I would love to see a set of Munzees that give an increasing point range as you go along a historical trail of Munzees to a payoff of points at the end. I think that would be useful in getting both the curious and the ones out for points onto a trail like that. I always like to learn new things about an area when I’m out wandering. That’s how I used to cache.

Tell us about yourself!

My handle is something that my parents came up with, lol. First initial and last name.  I am awful about picking a handle and changing it. So here I just went with a handle I’ve had for years.

I am forty-five, married, with two kids. Mags is maseegars, our children play with us, and we all use the same handles for our Munzee player names. I had to keep it simple and going the same way I did with their handles seemed to be the best way.

I usually Munzee with the wife. I have been known to Munzee with WallynSC when I can get his decrepit old body out of the house!

I love photography and history, science fiction and fantasy, and I watch WAY too much TV. I am also a heavy reader. I have a huge interest in mythology and books on the occult, ghost stories and just the general weird stuff that’s out there. There is a lot of strangeness in the world. I want to see it all.

2014-04-29 15.20.05

One of the thing I really enjoy in the Facebook groups is Unicornification Nation, It’s nice to be a part of that. I enjoy the back and forth when it really gets rolling.

I wanted to mention this, the whole Unicorn thing. I’m part Scottish. It’s heritage not hate. LOL, Check out that beautiful national animal (and my Social):

unnamed (1)

I wouldn’t want to go too far on this, but it’s important.  Was that way too far? 😉

If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at and let us know just why this person is outstanding in the global Munzee community!

-Please note, this is a super active campaign.  We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!

April 28, 2014

May Clan Wars

April has been a good battle with a lot of action in what has been celebrated as the most fair battle yet.  Action points are out the window and we are going back to real game points.  That means what you earn is what will count for real score and clan score.  There are three categories of points you earn: Capture points (what you earn when you capture), Deploy points (what you earn when you deploy), Capture On points, (what you earn when others capture your deployed munzees).  You will need a combination of all 3 categories for levels 3 and above this month.

Level 1:  All 10 members of your clan must earn at least 250 points from captures and at least 50 points from deploys.  This is a minimum of 300 real game points combined from both categories.  Reward: Munzee code via email for capture.

Level 2:  All 10 members of your clan must earn at least 800 points from captures and at least 100 points from deploys.  This is a minimum of 900 real game points combined from both categories.  Reward: 1 mace, 1 longsword, 1 diamond.

Level 3:  All 10 members of your clan must earn at least 1500 points from captures, at least 300 points from deploys, and at least 100 points from captures on owned Munzees.  This is a minimum of 1900 real game points combined from both categories.  Reward: 1 mace, 1 longsword, 1 diamond, 1 motel, 1 virtual.

The Chuck:  All 10 members of your clan must earn at least 3000 points from captures, at least 500 points from deploys, and at least 300 points from captures on owned Munzees.  This is a minimum of 3800 real game points combined from both categories.  Reward: 2 mystery virtual, 2 virtual, 5 virtual colors, 2 diamonds.

The #SuperChuck:  All 10 members of your clan must reach a secret level of points only revealed after earning The Chuck.  This will be a difficult task with rewards worthy of your effort.

April 25, 2014

Boom! -A Colorful mix of Announcements!

Tired of being the last person to learn about changes to the Munzee website?  Well, we’ve created a quick way for players to keep up to date on new changes/additions to the website?  Check out -for all the latest news straight from Team Munzee!

Have you ever wanted to add some color to the Virtual Garden you designed or helped build? Want to see the gloves on the boxing Kangaroo in Australia light up red? Create a special MVM trail with your own signature artwork?

Bundoora Park Kangaroo

Now you can! When you purchase Virtual Colors, they will appear in your account as credits to be applied to a deployed virtual or mystery virtual. 1 credit equals one color applied to 1 pin. You can choose any of our 11 colors but be sure you are certain because once a pin color has been changed it will remain that color.

After purchasing Virtual color credits from the Munzee store, your available credits will display under the “Convert” option on eligible Virtuals/MVMs:

available credits

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black, Brown, White, and a Rainbow color are all available!

Here’s some of the colors you’ll see for our Virtuals:

VirtRed VirtRainbow VirtBlack VirtBlue VirtBrown VirtGreen (1) virtLightBlue128 (1) VirtOrange VirtPurple VirtYellow

Some of the amazing colors available for our Mystery Virtuals:

mvRainbow128mvBlack128 mvBrown128 mvGreen128 mvIndigo128 mvLightBlue128 mvOrange128 (1) mvRed128 mvViolet128 mvYellow128

The Virtual Color is another addition to your virtual garden design plans. We can’t wait to see the new forms of Munzee Art created worldwide!

April 24, 2014

Munzee Player of the Week: Larry Butler (Hans415)

This week’s Player of the week positive was nominated by two awesome, anonymous friends in the online Munzee community!  Our POTW this week displays an incredible “Social Spirit” – a consistent (and amusing quest) for Munzee badges, and friendly  attitude towards all players he interacts with!  The Munzee Player of the Week is Larry Butler, aka Hans415!

Who are you? Hans415


Where in the world do you live? Yerington, Nevada USA

How long have you played Munzee? 828 Days old, almost 2 1/2 years

How did you find Munzee?

I was introduced to Munzee by a Friend (RazzTazzzz) as he and I were cachers before that. I wasn’t immediately hooked on it but I did not fully understand it all at that time. I was re-introduced to it about a year later and was HOOKED from that time on.

What do you enjoy most about Munzee? The Hunt! And the Hide and the friendliness of the Munzee Staff. I also love going for the Badges and wait with abated breath for new ones to pop up. (Editor’s note: Expect the Unexpected Larry! We’ve got a few more headed your way)

 What is on your wish list? My List is to be able to go to Angels Stadium, DisneyLand, and to attend the MMIV. My long list is to do Franklin, TN and be able to Visit MHQ in Texas soon. I also have a Goal to deploy 6000 Munzees of all sorts in a Large Desert Munzee run.

Tell us about yourself! I am a guy that gets very passionate about whatever I do. My wife just shakes her head anymore when I come up with new ideas. I drove professionally for 33 years and enjoyed it very much. I am a retired man that enjoys the Munzee game and I feverishly embrace it everyday. I am happily married to my best friend, but it took me a long time to find her. The fateful day she went into a popular game site, I got her hooked on me 14 years ago. She lets me Munzee wherever I want and when I want. I live in the desert by choice and I love every moment of it as it gives me an open pallet to paint the desert with munzees. I love being with my wife at all times and I take her out with me to Munzee a lot also. I have a Munzee Partner that I go with and we enjoy placing and capping munzees together.


Sean, Bob and I (Picture taken by Countrybear) Munzeeing in Gilroy. Can you tell I am tired?

Other hobbies include; Caching, I also love caching, did I mention caching yet? My Caching and Munzee partner and I have created and are creating one of the Biggest caching runs in the world. With the help of other Cachers (Joe, Steve, Ginny and Kumi Team) we were able to place a 131 mile Eagle. Wes (caching/munzee) partner and I also created the TS run with more then 4000+ caches. I am also the creator of the 50 State Star and we have just a few states to go before every state has 50 stars in them. We are also creating the Nazca lines which should be open sometime in the near Future. As Rob would say, just another 1000 hours 🙂

Whoever nominated me, I want to thank them and I am honored by this.  Larry was awesome enough to share his Social with us!  Be sure to cap it:

hans social 2

If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at and let us know just why this person is outstanding in the global Munzee community!

-Please note, this is a super active campaign.  We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!

April 18, 2014

Amazing Munzee Announcements: Munzee partners with Fitbit!

Munzee is about exploring your surroundings, getting outdoors, and enjoying your environment. With all that exploration, comes the added benefit of walking, wellness, and an active lifestyle. At the core of our game, we’re passionate about wellness. Improving yourself as a player, and a healthy active individual is what makes each day great for Team Munzee.

Fitbit, a leading fitness tracker company, is dedicated to helping people lead healthier, more active lives. What better way to lead an active, healthy lifestyle than by combining wellness with the fun of Munzee?



Today, we’re happy to announce we were approved (yesterday) by FitBit as a partner! This news is so exciting we just had to share it with everyone.


Team Munzee will begin by offering Fitbit products through this link. Players can expect to see official Fitbit information on our blog, badges, competitions, and fun Fitbit options incorporated into Munzee.  This is another opportunity for players to enjoy “a game within the game”.

In addition to this new partnership to offer Fitbit products, our krusty kiwi Bruce (mobile app developer) is adding Fitbit integration to the Munzee app. He’s made a lot of progress so far, and we expect to see new updates of the Android and iPhone apps in the next 1000 hours.  😉 (see podcast for joke reference)

Here’s a couple of sneak peeks:


Special Note: When you first select the Fitbit menu option, you will be able to configure it for multiple users… Great News for couples that play together or family teams!

fb3 fb2

We’re excited to offer a trusted, reputable fitness feature within our app, and encourage everyone to welcome Fitbit into their active Munzee lifestyles!  Get your Fitbit now, so you will be ready when the app launches.

Fitbit wireless activity + sleep trackers

April 17, 2014

Player of the Week: Designer Trish Vandehey (Vanderarban)

You may not always “see” this player out and about, or as an active face on Team Munzee, but she’s the amazingly creative mind behind every pin we hunt after, every badge we seek out, and all the stunning graphics we see on the website and Social Media.  This week’s Player of the Week goes to our very own Team Munzee Designer, Trish Vandehey (Vanderarban)!  Let’s take a moment to get to know the incredibly creative player that’s brought us Mustaches, must-earn badges, and impossible Munzee-capable smartphone printers!


Who are you?

Trish Vandehey aka Vanderarban

Where in the world do you live?

Denison Texas, a little town on the border of Oklahoma on beautiful Lake Texoma and just an hour north of Munzee Headquarters! (Editor’s note: Perfect Munzee scenery and MHQ?  That deserves the lucky “badge” right there!) 

How long have you played Munzee?  Almost a year

How did you find Munzee?

I had gone out with my other half, Hayden, to do some walking and caching. While searching out the first one at the entrance to the park I spotted a Munzee. I had seen a few articles about it in the previous year and had mentioned it to Hayden, so I was pretty excited to spot one and be reminded about the game. Unfortunately, my signal was really bad and I was unable to capture the Munzee. But the second I got home I made an account and starting playing. I plan on going back soon to scan that first Munzee.

 How did Munzee “Find” you (how did you become a member of Team Munzee)?

I was in contact with Rob from almost the start. Hayden and I had met up with him a few times to play and offered our talents excitedly to grow the game. Later on Rob contacted us to help out with a project and that was followed by BADGES! It’s been a great ride ever since!

Trish and Rob introduce us to Rover!

Trish and Rob introduce us to Rover!

What do you enjoy most about Munzee?

Hmm, that is a tough question. I really love everything about Munzee!

Initially Munzee was a great excuse to get out and get moving. I have a tendency to “forget” about cardio when I get wrapped up in everything going on. Munzee gives me motivation to get out and get stepping!

The player community is really amazing. I started using the forums and later Munzee Madness Facebook group as a new player to learn more about optimizing my Munzee experience. Everyone was really awesome and helpful. There was a real sense of community. I have made some really great friends both far and near (a few I have yet to meet)!

Trish is the center of attention (or at least this group shot) of cool players met at MM III!

Trish is the center of attention (or at least this group shot) of cool players met at MM III!

I think one of the biggest assets Munzee has that I noticed from the start was the Team. I was really impressed as a new player how involved Team Munzee was in the player community. Whether chatting online or at an event they are really active within the player community. I am really lucky to have the opportunity to work with such a great group of people!

What is on your wish list for Munzee?

I’m really excited about how much Munzee has grown since I started playing, I am looking forward to seeing it get even bigger and be in the middle of it.

I had a lot of fun at MM3 and look forward to seeing a future mega Munzee event that I would be able to attend and meet some of the amazing players that I haven’t had the opportunity to meet in person.

trish and rokey

Vanderarban and Rynee having a silly time at Munzee Madness III!

Specials, I really like those, who doesn’t 😉 And maybe some really cool ridiculously hard to figure out badges.

 Tell us about yourself!

I grew up in Oregon where I spent most of my time wandering around in the woods. I moved to Dallas about 20 years ago and after awhile decided I needed to be somewhere with more trees again so I moved north to Lake Texoma. I have a really amazing fiance, Hayden, who is also a designer and sometimes helps me out with the artwork when I have creative block or he isn’t to busy. We are raising five, yes i said FIVE, children together. ” Insert silly country girl joke here ” -after all I do run around barefoot most of the time 😉

When you’re not drawing up the latest icons, Facebook covers, or coming up with amazing event ideas, how are you spending your free time?

Free time? What’s that? Just kidding. Actually, as it may be becoming apparent, I really enjoy the outdoors. When it is warm I like to hike and spend time at the lake. I’m a crafter of just about anything I can dream up, from costumes to soap. I also enjoy reading, singing bad karaoke and travelling when I can (insert “Hangover” movie reference here).

Trish was awesome enough to share her special Social with us, here it is below!


Thanks Trish for all you contribute to Munzee, and we hope to see you at more events! Maybe we’ll hear you on the podcast soon?

If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at -Please note, this is a super active campaign.  We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!

Fitbit wireless activity + sleep trackers

March 29, 2014

Announcement: New Authorized Munzee Resellers!

We’re happy to welcome two NEW Authorized Munzee Resellers to the Munzee community, and celebrate our continuing Resellers!

Let’s get these trusty new friends out of the shadows and into the limelight!



Our first Authorized Reseller is Space Coast Geocaching store!

Here’s their official online storefront:

And be sure to “Like” their official FB page for updates on new items in their store, as well as great “on the road” updates from the owners:

Our second Authorized Reseller is Australia’s biggest and best caching shop, and we are happy to see them joining the Munzee team! Let’s welcome Geostuff!

Here’s the official Geostuff website:

Don’t forget, like ’em on Facebook here:

Remember, our Authorized Resellers are a tight-knit, friendly, and awesome group of people. We’re happy to have these two new additions to meet the needs of our growing player community.  Both of these new stores will be adding Munzee products in the coming days and weeks, so be patient while they “stock the shelves”.

If you see the Official Authorized Reseller badge, you know you’re shopping with a trusted Munzee seller!  Find all the Authorized Resellers on our page
