February 2015 Clan Requirements… with a twist.
This month’s Clan Requirements have kicked the new year up a notch. The focus for February is mysteries, so prepare for war. Also, as this is a New Year, we’ve decided to take a New Perspective for Clan Wars. Starting from February, we’ll reward the TOP 3 players in each full clan. So it’s no longer justย a competition between clans, but also in-clan. We want our players to push their clan forward, but also promote a little friendly rivalry within theย clans. The top 3 players in each clan will be rewarded after the round has finished- so the winners of February will be receive their prizes in March for the first time.
Individual Rewards:
- #1 gets a battle axe
- #2 gets a longsword
- #3 gets a mace munzee.ย
February Clan Requirements:
capture 25 greenies
capture 2 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
400 total points per player
clan total points min. 6,000
Rewards: 1 virtual, 1 virtual color
capture 40 greenies
capture 10 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
900 total points per player
deploy 3 munzees
clan total points min. 10,000
Rewards: 1 virtual, 2 maces, 1 virtual color
capture 60 greenies
capture 10 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
capture 5 regular mystery munzees
2,200 total points per player
deploy 5 munzees
clan total points min. 28,000
Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 mystery virtual, 1 diamond, 2 virtual colors
capture 120 greenies
capture 20 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
capture 15 regular mystery munzees
6,000 total points per player
deploy 10 munzees
clan total points min. 70,000
Rewards: 1 battle axe, 3 longswords, 1 motel, 2 virtual colors
capture 300 greenies
capture 30 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
capture 25 regular mystery munzees
15,000 total points per player
deploy 25 munzees
clan total points min. 180,000
Rewards: 2 battle axe, 3 mace, 1 motel, 1 virtual, 1 ruby, 3 virtual colors