Hello from London! It’s nearly time for tea!
The calendar is looking wonderful with more events being added by the day and we are getting ready to kick the Tea Parties off next weekend. There is still time to host an event by submitting one here: https://calendar.munzee.com/submit. Trish’s diary is very full so any art requests would have to be very simple at this stage or we won’t be able to get them done in time I’m afraid.
Most events are including the Tea Pot add on, this is $20 and awards a present to each attendee as they scan the relevant munzee (usually the event badge). Hosts please email me at louise@munzee.com if you would like to add this to your event but haven’t yet done so.
We are all looking forward to seeing your fun hats too so please feel free to come to the events in your finery! This Mad Hat badge is up for grabs for the winner at each one and the hosts will receive it too! Hosts just need to email me a picture of the winner and their Munzee username.

We are still working on new offerings available to events and should be in a position to reveal them over the next couple of weeks and even showcase one of them at an event at the end of April, details to follow….
Hosts and attendees alike should be excited to hear I have a new line of badges for you. They will start on 1st April and are for attending events, yes they are retroactive too! I brainstormed with local players whilst Down Under on these and will be interested to see how many you all have!
Finally, on a personal note, I wanted to say thank you to those that have emailed and messaged me about the sad and scary events in London yesterday. Us Londoners are brave and strong, we will drink tea and carry on!
Munzee on and stay safe everyone!
Louise x