Breast Cancer Awareness Special
If you attended Lone Star Bash, you probably heard us talk about an upcoming special for Breast Cancer Awareness. As RedCarRobbie said at Sunday’s event, almost every person has been affected by breast cancer in some way or another. We have heard many stories from the community, and we want to show our support.
We are partnering with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to raise money for those affected by breast cancer. This foundation, located in Frisco, Texas just 20 miles from MHQ, reaches many people around the world through research and services provided. We encourage you to check out their website if you would like to learn more about them. To support them, we are proud to announce the Breast Cancer Awareness special.
For this special, there will be two types of pins: BCA Garden Pin and BCA Temporary Munzee. While they have the same icon, they function differently.
BCA Garden Pin
We have constructed a BCA Garden by the NBCF offices in Frisco that will remain a permanent fixture on the map. There are a limited number of spots available in the garden, so there is a limit of 2 BCA Garden Pins per person. The point structure for these pins are:
- Capture: 20
- CapOn: 20
- Deploy: 20
After checkout, these will be automatically deployed for you. These are available in the Munzee Online Store now for $10.
BCA Temporary Pins
The BCA Temporary Pins can be placed anywhere on the map (they are restricted to normal proximity to other pins, i.e. 50ft from other players’ deploys and 150ft from your own). These will be on the map through December 31st at 23:59 MHQ time. To avoid oversaturation, there is a purchase limit of 50 pins per account. The point structure for these pins are:
- Capture: 10
- CapOn: 10
- Deploy: 10
After checkout, these will be added to your undeployed list. These are also available now in the Munzee Online Store for $2 each. They will be available for purchase until October 31st at 23:59 MHQ time.
Things to note:
- Both the BCA Garden Pins and Temporary Pins ARE blastable.
- There is a badge (see below) for capturing or deploying either of the BCA Pins.
- The BCA Temporary Pins are active in Quick Deploy.
- There is an in-app filter for the BCA pins. You will need to activate it.
To get the party started MHQ is pledging a base donation of $5000 from October sales to date from blast cap purchases. We have also added ONE BCA Temporary Munzee to all premium member accounts at the time of this announcement!
The Munzee community has always been very giving and compassionate, and we hope to see that trend continue with this fundraiser! Thank you for all of your support! 100% of the funds raised during this time will be donated to NBCF on behalf of our worldwide players! In early November we plan to present a check to NBCF. In conjunction, we will host a player event in the area so stay tuned for more information!
Munzee on!