Introducing the Freezer Burn badge!
We’re proud to announce a new challenge for our players: The Freezer Burn badge! You can earn this new badge by getting burned and frozen in the same day when capping the Fire and Ice Elemental Munzees.
The Freezer Burn badge is now live to earn, but it is not retroactive so you’ll need to prepare for some fresh burns and frostbite. We know this is no easy feat, so work with your fellow players and deploy Fire and Ice Munzees to better each others’ chances!
You can purchase an Elemental Munzee Pak in the Munzee online store, or buy individual elementals through authorized Munzee Resellers. Resellers will also have Ice Mystery Munzees on sale for 10% off.
Good luck and Munzee on!
Suffering from a brain freeze? Here’s a refresher on how each elemental effect works:
Fire Mystery Munzees
When you capture a Fire Mystery three Fires will then scatter to greenies within 1 mile. When you capture one of these Fires there is a chance you’ll extinguish the flame and earn 50 points. Unfortunately there’s also a chance you’ll get burned and LOSE 5 points. On the bright side you can earn badges for getting burned though!
Ice Mystery Munzees
Similar to the Fire, when you capture an Ice Mystery three Freezes will then scatter to greenies within 1 mile. Luckily you won’t lose any points for capturing a Freeze. Unfortunately there is also a chance you’ll be frozen and unable to play the game for one minute. Surviving the Ice Age might be worth it though because you can also earn some cool badges for getting frozen!