Changes around MHQ
In July 2011, Munzee was born from the blood, sweat, and tears of 4 co-founders. Aaron Benzick, Scott Foster, Chris Pick, and Josh Terkelson took an idea from Aaron and released it to the world. Within months the game was worldwide and gaining players at a rapid rate. In June 2012, Rob Vardeman joined the team to work with the community and business relations. All members of Team Munzee worked as volunteers, nights and weekends, after working full time jobs during the day. Over the next year, as Munzee grew Josh and Chris stepped down in order to focus on family and their full time jobs. Additional team members have been added, both full and part time. The game continues to evolve and grow. This weekend a big change occurred as Aaron stepped down as President of Munzee, with Rob named in his place effective immediately. Rob is honored and excited to lead Munzee forward into the coming years. We are thankful to Aaron for leading Munzee to this point and appreciate the work he placed into this game we all LOVE so much! Thank you Aaron!
Munzee Motel available in the store now! Premium users are able to purchase the Munzee Motel for $2 each with a maximum of 5 motels per month. MHQ is very excited about the addition of the motel to your toolkit. Learn all the details about the Motel here. All current premium members will receive one free motel and it will be included in the future premium members kit as well.
Player Messaging is no longer a Premium-Only feature, it is now available to ALL players! You will find the messaging icon next to your username at the top of your account page.
Oktoberfest has ended. We hope you were able to get some of the icons and extra points! For those who captured all three icons you will soon be receiving the Oktoberfest 2013 badge!