Holiday Card Collectors Club Dodgy Jumper Photo Contest Gallery
Yesterday was the last day for our Dodgy Jumper Photo Contest, so we’ve gathered up some of the entries for you to enjoy in the gallery below! We received over 150 250 photos which is way more than the usual amount, so to keep this blog post a reasonable length, we’ve just chosen a few of our favorites. Please don’t worry if you don’t see your photo here — as long as you’ve uploaded a photo to your Holiday Mailbox within the period of 00:01 MHQ on December 16 to 23:59 MHQ on December 20, you will receive the badge when it is awarded in early January.
- nzseries1
- Plaidkid13
- Nanda067
- PinkNinja
- mding4gold
- HingeAndBracket
- jakemryan
- BluePoppy
- Dazzaf
- GruesomeTwosome
- PrincessMeli
- Brandikorte
- LindaH417
- poshrule
- Buckeyecacher111
- SkunkAdamski
- madtux
- Neta
- DarkHaribo
- annaabbs
- monrose
- kitkatkisskiss
- arts5
- tau
- HtV
- Theceoiksjes
- matanome
- meka
- bearmomscouter
- TheParticulier
- TinyTrio
- Superpeggy
- tcguru
- FindersGirl
- denali0407
- daysleeperdot
- loeschfamily
- Kermit450
- GeoMonkeyTiger
- tissa1020FoxhoundCepheus7
- Glassrat
We hope you enjoy this peek at some of your fellow players’ Dodgy Jumpers!
Munzee on!