Posts Tagged ‘community’

July 1, 2019

Meet Munzee Munzday: Robbie

Here at Munzee we’re constantly encouraging our players to meet and greet and build the personal relationships that make this game so great. To bring back this fun way to introduce team members, it’s time to get to know Mr. Wallabee himself, Robbie! 

With beautiful wife and daughter, Kelsey and Autumn

Name and Title:

Robbie McGuire | Product Manager, WallaBee (redcarrobbie)

Where are you from?

I’m from Whittier, CA. Fun fact: Most of my life was spent in the ‘unincorporated’ part of Whittier, meaning I got to answer the “Is that LA or Orange Country?” question with a simple “Yes.”

Tell us about yourself:

Where to begin? I have a gorgeous wife (Kelsey) and beautiful 9 month baby girl (Autumn)! Kelsey and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary, 3.5 years of which have been spent in Texas! Being a Californian transplant, I feel more Texan every day (but still don’t own a pair of cowboy boots). I prefer iPhone over Android, Pepsi over Coke, and fruity candy over chocolate. I usually try to turn conversations into dad jokes. I was a hands-on learner in college, which explains why I did so well in my ASL classes.

Autumn’s first Easter

How long have your worked for Munzee?

I have been working for the company for 3.5 years! My official hire-in date is January 4th.

How did you find Munzee?

I found Munzee like many other players: through Geocaching. My good friend, Andrew, took me to my first geocache in early 2015 and I loved it! After a couple of months of Geocaching, I wanted to know if there were other games similar to it, which lead to me finding Munzee in the App Store. I loved the concept of looking for hidden objects and getting rewarded for that effort with experience and badges. The ease of use (scanning with a phone and moving on) was something that I felt lacking from the other game.

What do you enjoy most about Munzee?

With Kelsey at the Jeff Dunham show

At its core, I really enjoy Munzee’s physical game. While my schedule and life don’t allow me to be more involved with that aspect of the game, it’s what snagged my attention in the first place. The fact that Munzee can be a physical and virtual game at the same time is a nice hybrid that many other games try to create with AR, but fail at in the process. Munzee allows its players to choose how they want to play – which helps for those with busy schedules.

What are some of your other hobbies?

My hobbies are best sorted into categories of ‘used to have time for’ and ‘still find time for.’ Having a baby changes a lot.

    • UTHTF: Disc Golfing, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Disneyland, Hiking, Bike Riding, Arts & Crafts, Collecting, and many different video games.
    • SFTF: Rocket League, Graphic Art

Famous last words?

“If money’s where you find happiness, you’ll always be poor.” – Remember This, NF

Check back next week to get to know another member of the team!

June 24, 2019

Meet Munzee Munzday: Tamara

Here at Munzee we’re constantly encouraging our players to meet and greet and build the personal relationships that make this game so great. To bring back this fun way to introduce team members, here is one of the key members of the Freeze Tag office!

Sleepover with Louise at the National Video Game Museum!

Name and Title:

Tamara Sahagun, Production Specialist (I think my old, self-made title of “Analytics Acolyte” is more accurate, but it IS less official-sounding) (Raan)

Where are you from?

I was born in Manila, Philippines, but grew up in Guam and CA!

Tell us about yourself:

I have the reputation of being “the quiet one” in the office— it takes a while for me to open up to people! Once I do though, my crazy side comes out in snatches. Case in point: last year after bash, the team got me to sing in a mermaid costume at a karaoke bar! I sang “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic. Other than singing, I’ve played games all my life— mostly Playstation games like Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Metal Gear, Prince of Persia, Final Fantasy X, Dance Dance Revolution, etc. but I have also played such gems as the Ace Attorney series and League of Legends, the latter of which I wrote my honors thesis on in university. Speaking of which, I graduated Magna Cum Laude from UCI with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Game Science.

A cow I painted for the Lucerne Art of Dairy contest!

How long have your worked for Munzee?

I’ve worked for Freeze Tag for 4 years and Munzee for 1.75 years. I had to count the months on my fingers to be exact— It hasn’t felt very long at all!

How did you find Munzee?

I went to a super-cute Easter tea party-themed event with Craig and Mari, but was not able to get the app working on my iPhone 4S (yes, I know it’s an ancient phone— I have upgraded since then!). So I just followed Mari around while she was capping physicals. Then, the app magically worked a few weeks later! Mari took me around our office one day to teach me the common spots where munzees are hidden and that was that!

Attacked by a zombie at E3 2018!

What do you enjoy most about Munzee?

Definitely the events! I always have fun planning what to wear with Mari, looking at who else decided to dress up (not just staff, players too! I love seeing creative outfits), meeting up with the rest of the team if it is a larger event (I love seeing everyone in person!), and talking to the players, even if I’m shy and awkward. I’m slowly getting to know some of you! You’ll see! I can be fun! I also like that I get to travel to new places, even if it’s local. As a homebody, I can think of a million ways to occupy myself at home, but I’m too lazy to plan trips myself.

What are some of your other hobbies?

Getting books signed by one of my favorite authors, Stephanie Garber

Other than karaoke, video games, and Munzee, I recently got back into reading and have been logging everything on my new Goodreads account. I’m challenging myself to read 1 book a week. I was ahead earlier in the year, but now that I’ve been getting busy my lead has vanished. While I’m not very good at dancing, I like challenging myself to learn K-Pop dance routines, especially since I’ve been told I look like Twice’s Nayeon. Oh and also escape rooms! I’ve only done 4 so far, but they’re always a good time. The horror-themed ones are the best!

Famous last words?

Couldn’t think of one, so here’s a piece of advice I saw on the internet that I take to heart: “Every time you get dressed remember that, if you die, that’s your ghost outfit forever.”

Check back next week to get to know another member of the team!

May 2, 2016

Munzee Picture Request

This year, we’ve been focusing on building communities, both within the game and our communities. While some of MHQ’s events can bring these two together, we also want to be able to showcase our player community within our local communities year round. To do that, we need your help!

We’re requesting pictures from your Munzee adventures, including events and just normal, everyday gameplay. We’re going to display these pictures in a digital gallery at both the Munzee Marketplace and the Munzee Marketplace – Cocoa Beach locations. These pictures will also be included in an online gallery.

Please send pictures of your events and activities to with the subject “Photo Gallery”. This will be an ongoing gallery, so feel free to send them any time in the future, as well. Once the gallery is up and running, we will choose a Featured Photo every week to share with everyone!

We can’t wait to see what you show us! Munzee on!

January 15, 2016

Announcing the 2016 Munzee Theme…

MunzeeTree3 (1)

2014: Expect The Unexpected. 

For players who were around in 2014, you’ve certainly heard these words in one form or another. President Rob Vardeman chanted this mantra at many meetings, events and podcasts in Munzee’s third year of business. We were striving to keep things fresh, surprise our players and grow as a company. Often this also meant surprising the MHQ staff with quick turnaround on projects and unexpected campaigns.

2015: New Year. New Perspective. 

In 2015 we aimed to flip everything on it’s side and approach our game in new ways. From retiring the MVM to transferring to hybrids apps in the long-awaited 3.0 release, we changed the way we looked at the company. 2015 saw the creation of Zee, Eventzee, Runzee and the acquisition of Wallabee- all different ways of playing mobile games.Not to mention the continued success of the Munzee Marketplace and the creation of Green Pin Produce. It was a year of big changes, but admittedly there were some growing pains.

At the end of 2015 we as a staff thought hard about the successes and missteps of our four years in business. We analyzed what worked, what didn’t, and what we would have to do in 2016 to continue the success of our brand. No matter our expectations, no matter which way we looked at it, the success of Munzee all came down to one thing: You, our community.

2016: Growing Innovative Communities Rooted In Fun. 

More than a theme, 2016’s mantra is a combination of a goal, a mission and a vision. It’s time for us to get back to our roots, which is our strong and devoted community of players. Although our community spans the globe and grows every day, we want to ensure that our relationship and our communication is maintained with players of all Munzee Inc. games. Of course there will always be branches that break and sometimes the weather may rustle a few leaves, but like the mighty oak tree, we will continue to grow as long as we maintain strong roots.

As all branches of our company grow our communities grow as well. Because without the roots of our community we cannot grow, innovate and evolve as a business. Thank you on behalf of all Team MHQ- we’re excited for what 2016 has to bring.