Cyber Munzweek Sale: Friday

EDIT NOTE:  THIS IS LEFT HERE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. New information on the way and yes, there will be changes. Apologies in advance.


It’s Friday of Cyber Munzweek! Today, Virtual Trails are on sale for the first time! 5 virtual credits for $3, regular priced $5.

Virtual Trails have the same proximity and distance rules as the Green Trail Munzees. The point structure for the first 5 stops is the same, as well. Below is the point structure for each stop (Deploy/Capture/CapOn):

  • Stops 1 & 2: 5/5/5
  • Stops 3 & 4: 5/10/10
  • Stop 5: 5/30/30
  • Stop 6: 10/30/30
  • Stops 7 & 8: 10/45/45
  • Stop 9: 10/60/60
  • Stop 10: 10/75/75

Each trail must be a minimum of 5 stops and can have a maximum of 10 stops.

To purchase a Virtual Trail, please follow the link to the Munzee Store to see Cyber Munzweek merchandise.