Munzee Birthday Events Prepare to Commence!
Munzee is turning 8 next month, which means there are 8 weeks of birthday events to be enjoyed starting Friday! The 8zee’s (80’s) themed events will run from June 14 all the way through August 11 in order to offer plenty of opportunity to celebrate Munzee with your best retro attire!
While custom artwork is no longer available for the early birthday events (players booked it up fast!), we have awesome generic artwork packages available! Generic artwork packages cost $50 for an icon and $50 for a badge. Badges can be customized to include the event name, place and date. These retro designs are a great addition for your event attendees to earn! If your event is late July or August custom artwork is still a possibility.
We encourage players to keep adding events to the calendar, as there are plenty more chances to host over the next 8 weeks! There are 4 available packages for hosts to choose from, along with a unique host badge for each package!
There will also be an Attendee Badge to earn, as well as plenty of extras to scoop up during the celebrations!
With birthday events kicking off this weekend, we can’t wait to see how players celebrate the 8zee’s! Remember the event host will choose a winner at each event based on best 80s attire. In order to earn the special badge for winning this costume contest, the event host must send the player name and photo taken at the event of the winning look to Louise. Unfortunately we will not be able to award any Best Dressed badges without those two pieces of information, so be sure to get them in!
Although Best Dressed winners will be chosen by event hosts, we want to see ALL OF YOU in your retro 80s attire! So share images to social media of your coolest throwback threads and be sure to use #8zees and tag us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!
Two more great bits of news for event hosts! In the next few days you will notice new tools available for you to control your events more through the calendar admin section. You will be able to slightly tweak the coordinates for your pink pin, set cohosts, AND control your go live time. All of this is to allow event hosts the ability to adjust final details as needed. You will also be able to archive your event when it is over.
Also we are preparing to move your event communications to a new email address. Louise will be moving over the next few days to work from — Current hosts will hear from her with details on events and future hosts will begin their communications at the new address. Thanks for your patience while we move her systems!
Munzee on!
Remember that the Official Birthday Bash will be held with the California team this year in Tustin, CA! There’s still plenty of time to RSVP and join the California Team, Matt, Dylan, and Emma in the Golden State!
**You must login on the calendar page to indicate you are going to an event now**