Archive for April, 2020

April 1, 2020

We’re Not Making Googly Eyes at You — It’s Just these 20/20 Vision Munzees!

It’s hard to stay sane when you’re cooped up inside all day! We think the best way to fend off a bout of the QRaZEEs is by staying positive and active. If you are allowed to roam about your neighborhood for some fresh air, you might find a rare surprise waiting for you! Our seventh 20/20 Vision Munzee is guaranteed to elicit some giggles from those who dare to look upon your face! These springy accessories were deployed this afternoon at 15:00 MHQ. Now you’ll really be able to keep an eye on things!

Only four pairs of Joke Glasses will be deployed, and they will bounce to Greenies every 12 hours or when captured. These will be attracted to Physical Magnets though so be sure to stock up! 


  • Cap: 200 points
  • CapOn (Host): 100 points

Capturing the Joke Glasses will add this comical Silly Sight badge to your collection! Remember, down the line we’ll be putting out an overall capture line, so don’t forget to check back for updates!

The myriad personality types out there mean there are as many different senses of humor. In recent years, the Dad joke has risen in popularity, but there are still many out there who prefer a more subtle humor. Regardless, it’s hard not to laugh at someone wearing a quality pair of Joke Glasses. We think the beauty lies in the realistic eyeball popping out of the wearer’s face, only to be dragged back up and then back down again due to the attached spring. It’s just so over-the-top that laughing is a gut reaction!

You’ll be able to capture the 20/20 Vision specials on other players’ munzees as well as your own for the remainder of the year! As a reminder, all 20/20 Vision specials will leave the map on 12/31/2020 at 23:59 MHQ. More unique 20/20 Vision specials will launch throughout the year so keep on the lookout — you won’t want to miss out on these bouncy bifocals!

Show us how you Munzee! Tweet us @Munzee or be sure to post a photo and mention us on Facebook (@Munzee) or Instagram (@munzeeapp). Good luck, and Munzee on!

April 1, 2020

This New Munzee Type is No Joke!

As we enter into our third week of self-quarantine / working from home we at MHQ have been racking our brains to think of more ways to make the game accessible for those who can’t be out and about. From our past surveys, we know that Prize Wheels are quite popular amongst our players, so we decided to introduce a new virtual munzee type inspired by them!

Say hello to the snazziest gameshow host around- Sir Prize Wheel! 

We are happy to announce the Sir Prize Wheel Munzee is now available for purchase! In case the name wasn’t obvious enough this new virtual type works like a combination of Surprise and Prize Wheel Munzees. You can pick up 20 Sir Prize Wheel Munzees every 10 days from the Freeze Tag Online Store HERE.

Sir Prize Wheel Munzee Details

The Sir Prize Wheel joins the Gaming Munzees as a virtual type. Once the Sir Prize Wheel is captured, he will award you points and a prize either by adding items to your inventory (like Zeds!) OR scattering a special munzee type nearby, similar to how the current Air Mysteries work. Make sure to read the popup that appears after capturing this munzee carefully so you know what you got! The owner of the munzee also has a chance to receive prizes as part of the CapOn!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, not blastable

Updated addition: Proximity: 300 feet to any other SPW, 150 feet any other type of your own, 50 feet to any other munzee from different owner.

Deploy: 200 points

Capture: 100 points + Random prize

CapOn: 50 points + Random CapOn prize possible

To access the Sir Prize Wheel munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Gaming” filter. To access any scatters, turn on your “All Expiring Specials” filter. For more information on the Sir Prize Wheel Munzee, you can check out our Help Guide article.

As part of this launch we are also adding the Surprise Munzee to the Gaming category, so that is TWO new virtual gaming types! Due to these new types we’ve updated the clan requirements in the app and on the previous blog. The Surprise Munzee also has a new, lower price and you can purchase those HERE! You can also shop the entire Gaming Munzee collection HERE!


In honor of April Fools Day we will also be releasing a new line of badges in the next week or so! Stay tuned for more information, we promise it’s no joke!

Munzee on!